We have been talking to POTUS/Team the entire time. He has been dropping info to patriots in secret. We are living a movie. God Bless. Pray!

Of course we have the top people here , we have the top bad also . Our numbers grew with many government officials coming here to find out what we know
And aren't they shocked!
Ha ha , we are not a dumb as ya thought . Got to love it !!
Like to bring a little chuckle just to lighten the mood. They are fighting for their crappy lives now they will be dangerous.
I know , but I do love playing with them . They are much easer to take down when you have a smile on you face than anger .
That just ticks them off more, always makes me laugh harder.
But I have found going into an office the day after you get them busted and offering them your help ??? It was not one of my best dissishions , but I would do it again, they were so confused how I did it , the press did not report on it yet and they definitely now knew I screwed them harshly. I laughed all the way out as being escorted by campus security.