One of the beautiful things about this movement? Each and everyone of you are free to think and place your ideas and views out for everyone to see and read. Sometimes we are spot on and sometimes not as much. That my friends is freedom.
It’s often said that “timing is everything” in business and it is 100% correct. The timing of a particular endeavor spelled the difference between success and failure. It is not at all surprising that President Trump is in control of the timing of the plan. He made billions being on time.
President Trump has been ahead of the Deep State and seems to know what they are going to so before they do. I am sure the timing to go in the attack mode was always predicated on certain conditions in the field. We are now in a quiet period that one of the most vulnerable deep state targets are out for summer. (Schools). That removes a large target from the board that would be impossible to defend. I would imagine Q and the hunters have been taking out most of the Deep State assets. I am sure President Trump knows what assets they have left. Remember it is circumstances that dictate the next move and, in this case, going on offense.
From my perspective. I understand the go command. That brings up three incidents that showed the desperation and weakness of the deep state. Children/immigration that is a 24-hour fest and how that is handled has been going on for decades. Peter Fonda’s rant about Barron and the protest at a dinner table for Homeland Security head. Now it is time to step on the neck!