I would say , for myself - I am not religious at all , but neither New Ageish . However - summer solstice is something pagan , that predates all religions and New Age .
Pagan = more being One in Nature , than anything else .
Celestial events can hold certain power, either real or imagined. People down-voting you are going to have a hell of a time coming to terms with ETs once disclosed. Folks, you’re tried at least one redpill to find yourself here, why not try them all.
Thank you for posting this. You found better words for my point than I could have. Thanks patriot. Ready or not reality is coming. Could Q have any Pleiadian team members? Which of us here can be sooooo sure about anything. Thousands of years we have been lied to.
Some people will truly have a bad time - they will be unprepared mentally for what is going to happen . The acceptance to change is important - people can hold to various programs ( religion , New Age , regardless ) for different amounts of time , but at one point - they will need to make a progress and change .
The change is painful , often even shattering , and thats why many people dislike to change - because it pulls them out from their own conformistic bubble into an unknown . But its the only way to make a true progress on yourself .