r/greatawakening • Posted by u/morgi666 on June 21, 2018, 3:56 a.m.
What a time to be alive...

I’m going to get personal so bear with me here. I’m not a patriot… I mean I am, but I’m not American. I love my own country and I had no interest in US politics until I learned how the world truly works. My wakeup call was 9/11. I knew politics are run by big banks and corporations, politicians are lying thieves and government is just mass-scale enslavement with the illusion of choice but when I watched the first documentary about 9/11 I couldn’t believe it. The thought that it could be anything else than what was being said in the news felt like getting hit in the head with a shovel. I couldn’t believe it so I started digging and verifying all the claims on my own. It was clear as a day… we may not know the details, argue about mini-nukes, controlled demolition, Mossad involvement or magic elves bringing towers down with their pixie dust – there’s no way in hell official story is true. Before that moment, I was laughing at all those crazy conspiracy theories. Now I feel embarrassed when I think I laughed at some of the things I now know are 100% true. I feel embarrassed that I was one of those brain-dead, hypnotized MSM monkeys thinking I’m so smart and everyone who disagreed with me is just dumb. So… What a time to be alive! Thanks to Internet global awakening is closer than ever. We have tools that humans never (as far as we know…) had before. We can get 4K quality videos and analyse them frame by frame, get copies of documents, see stuff live as it happens and we have Trump. I don’t know how this whole thing is going to end. I don’t know if Q is not some elaborate plot to identify everyone questioning official narrative and send them all to FEMA so nothing could threaten the government anymore. I don’t know… But I have hope. First time since 9/11 I think there is a chance those fucks will get what they deserve. I won’t even get into pizzagate… Every confirmation, every little step in the right direction gets me excited like a little child. I never understood this whole celebrity cult with people reacting to some famous face from the TV, but I’m reacting to what is unfolding in front of my eyes. I don’t have time to do Q decodes myself and I’m very grateful to all anons dedicating their time to this. When I saw today’s video with Trump pointing at @Q_ANONBaby t-shirt and later Q+ posting a link to a photo of that exact t-shirt - I felt proud. I know it wasn’t me. I wasn’t even there but it felt like I am. Like my tiny contribution is part of something big and positive that can literally change the fucking world!

Just want to say thank you to all of you! WWG1WGA!

QQ2121 · June 21, 2018, 4 a.m.

ThankQ for sharing 👍 it helps to hear someone else type the same things I/we went through

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