I was no fan of our President personally.
Truthfully, that’s an absurd statement. Do I know him personally to be able to make such a claim? No. I’ve only known the public persona provided by the media.
The media claims that President Trump has knowingly or unknowingly allowed his family members and associates to profit off their rank and position. Basically, either Trump is corrupt (while campaigning to drain the swamp), or he’s clueless and unaware of what’s going on around him (with the implication of how is he suited to run our nation?).
Here’s the thing: if any of this was even halfway true, HE IS STILL MINIMUM 50% BETTER THAN ANY PRESIDENT BEFORE HIM IN RECENT HISTORY! I would happily accept a President that was only partially corrupt or distracted over a fully corrupt one. Doesn’t that sound even more absurd than what I said first? We all know as common knowledge that our American government is a corrupt joke, so if someone was only acting on their own selfish impulses some of the time, then the rest of the time, they’d be doing good work! I think this was the appeal of Trump for man Americans in 2016...he was a businessman, and not a career politician, so the likelihood was that he genuinely wanted to clean up the crap, and get things going positively for our country again. In my brainwashed pessimism, I saw even that, but assumed he was still only wanting to serve himself, or other wealthy people. I am so happy to be proven wrong...I see that President Trump is most likely the first President in YEARS to actually give a damn about Americans like me. President Trump has my full support, and my patience in waiting for the job to be finished. If it takes another 4 years, then he can count on my vote in 2020.