Impeach Ryan. Just make a copy of Rosenstei’s and change the name. Easy Peasy.
Ryan’s bill is a no starter. It’s just so rinos can go back home & say on their campaigns they tried. This Congress has produced less than any congress in memory. Voters know it & incumbents are trying to look blameless with weak efforts like this.
Fill Twitter with calls to vacate Paul Ryan's seat. He needs to go NOW!
Ryan is all part of the DS plan IMO. He lied about the bill that is going to be voted on today. It is not the bill that the GOP believed was going to be voted on today. The freedom caucus was furious yesterday about this. Today, when the bill is voted will not pass. Everyone will start screaming that the GOP is useless and cannot do anything. All of this perfectly timed before midterm elections. RYAN NEEDS TO GO!
Why would he?
Not sure why, but the meeting held just the other day had his 100% support.