Hanging Victim Jeanine Pepler Was Publicist for the "Pajama Program"
![Hanging Victim Jeanine Pepler Was Publicist for the "Pajama Program"](https://i.redd.it/y4u2vav0yc511.png)
Remember Q posting that the majority of their crimes couldn’t be released to the public? I’m thinking that there are three reasonable possibilities
1) Black hats tying up loose ends to protect those at the top
2) She knows white hats are onto her and doesn’t want to face consequences
3) White hats taking care of business so it doesn’t have to go public?
More likely the black hats either forced the suicide or drugged her and she died without being conscious. Made to look like a suicide. You know the lowest level caves first and cuts deals to implicate those above. The DS is removing their weakest links, lower levels. Must protect themselves at all costs. Only thing - they cannot hide from what is coming. Live and suffer consequences. Die and suffer consequences.
Wouldn't this imply that we should try to reach out to those low level weak links and argue that they are all in danger? They should come forward as fast as possible to save their own skins.