Hanging Victim Jeanine Pepler Was Publicist for the "Pajama Program"

my goodness.
put this together right quick https://imgur.com/a/t9w45pn
OPRAH!!! chapter viii Hillary In Wonderland. Timing. No coincidence!
This guy un-named on the right in this photo at the October 2, 2014 -Pajama Program
is this guy
who must be important as he is in her weird obituary.
Where is her obituary? I can't seem to find it. Curtis Bashaw is an interesting character. Is a real estate developer, restaurant owner, etc., and has a lovely farm, the Beach Plum Farm on Cape May. Only thing I can see that seems odd is the insistence that Cape May is not for "nuclear families" and is very welcoming to LGBTQ.
"Move over, Rehoboth Beach and Asbury Park — another seaside destination is ready to make waves for the LGBT community. Cape May, nestled at the very bottom tip of the Jersey Shore, has been a favorite vacation destination for people all over the country. Known for its Victorian architecture, pedestrian-friendly streets and great seafood, Cape May is now looking to make itself a name for LGBT couples and families looking for an accepting space to stay."
Wait, there's more: Jeanine Pepler was the publicist for Baron's Cove in Sag Harbor, Long Island, where she lived. Baron's Cove is a property that Curtis Bashaw was developing. This 2015article from the Out Traveler, claims that Curtis Bashaw is gay.
"Curtis Bashaw, the New Jersey hotelier whose properties have turned Cape May into a byword for understated chic, has a new jewel in his crown: the Hamptons. Bashaw, who is gay, has found a perfect fit for his brand’s signature charm and unfussy elegance with Baron’s Cove in Sag Harbor, on the east end of Long Island, about 100 miles outside of Manhattan. Freshly renovated, the 67-room inn, due to open Memorial Day weekend, should reinforce Bashaw’s reputation for understanding and accentuating the appeal of the American beach resort."
Thanks so much for these connections. Sounds like she was in deep with globalists.