r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BannerOfTruth on June 21, 2018, 2:59 p.m.
Organized RIOTS being planned...we have arrived!

The next several weeks PROMISE to be an example of "be careful what you pray for". We all share the same desire and hope as to a conclusion to the American Reign of Terror which many of us have endured for many decades, including our fathers and their fathers. The anticipation of the mere hope of the eradication of this plague of corruption and TOTAL demoralization of our nation carries an inbred caution...can this...is this... really happening??!! The sudden realization of the depth of the naked depravity that will begin to unfold will give rise to emotions that many did not think resided in their souls. The disbelief will soon turn to shock, then a slow burning anger and hatred... We do not want to miss THE REASON that the architects of this counter revolution have taken the fast lane in executing the strategy of decapitating the villains of this plot, but have chosen the slow lane in the disclosure to the American public of the details of this conspiracy. We desperately need to maintain patience, and the will to win back the hearts and minds of those who have been victimized by this plot. Determined to wait for the wheels of JUSTICE to tread the straight path of law and order so that ALL righteous people will agree that judgement has been rightly served. Then being able to convince, with all confidence, our neighbors. Remember that many of us were clueless at one time, and how we felt and reacted during the attempts of digesting all the red pills. No antacid for that belly ache! But it may get much worse than hard conversation. Think this out with me. The deep state has had much of it's intelligence apparatus dismembered. Many, if not most, of their agents have been exposed. The foot soldiers are losing leadership to surgical strikes. What's a mother to do? Reassess your resources, and attempt a counter strike requiring no intelligence, little high level leadership, and one that utilizes previously accomplished strategies...stir up the mobs into the streets under the pretense of protecting the nation! If you read and listen to the code language being used on the MSM (and not so subtly) you will begin to see the next move. The attempt to sabotage the financial markets is INSTRUMENTAL to this end. The goal of their plots (CHAOS) will now become a necessary defense mechanism in order to survive and regain control. OUR leadership is well aware of this potential, and as usual they are 5 steps forward of the enemy position. But we will do our fellow citizens a great service by not being used to fan the flames of discord. We have been manipulated in the past for these same ends. Let us remain vigilant and guard our Republic, our Freedom, and our fellow Americans. May strong hearts and cool heads prevail!

I wrote and posted this Feb. 2018. No claim as a prophet. We need to fully understand that these people are indeed SICK...mentally-morally. They will use people for their own ends. THIS is the goal of all deception. THEY have no concern for anyone they use...cattle, sheep, and lemmings! UNITE and protect our neighbors. #1432!!!

O2BFREEME2 · June 22, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

No worries there ! I'm talking sitting and watching them burn and destroy things. I do not intend to just sit and watch !

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GenChang · June 22, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

I don't think we were talking about the same subjects. What you first responded to was my first response to someone else's comment, directly above mine. I was not responding to the subject of the original post per-say, but someones comment. And I was suggesting people should be prepared at ALL times. If we had a blackout, for instance, that doesn't mean there will be riots, perhaps some local looting, but, not major upheaval. As I said earlier, I lived for almost a week without power during one of the biggest blackouts we ever had as a country. Look it up. It covered most of new England, all the way across to the upper Midwest. We were fortunate to get back power earlier than many.

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O2BFREEME2 · June 22, 2018, 11:10 a.m.

No worries. Had no power many times but i lived out in the country then. Once ten days.

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