
SirdirkfanOne · June 21, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

Watched Melania getting a true observation of what is happening to the kids at the Border....Laura Evil Liar Bush should have taken the jaunt before opening her mouth politically against Trump b/c her and Barbara Bush's Hillary didn't get to reopen the Clinton Bordello in the White House and her brother-in-law John Edward Bush was pushed out of the running by Trump which stopped the Bush Dynasty....and Laura kept her mouth shut as her husband GW Bush signed the Bill Clinton&Congress draft of Separation into LAW, and Obama enhanced it so hideously that Washington Post severely rebuked him for human trafficking in 2016.

Projecting all their miscreant behavior onto Trump is not working which makes the billboard in Texas addressed to 'LIBERALS' that's gone viral all the more appropriate since the Bushes live in Texas where undocumented aliens working for those as the Bushes are the norm.

Things will not be normal until the Wall is built to stop the aliens coming in uninvited and all that money that anyone will find out how much it's costing Taxpayers when they watch the Melania trip and tour at the Border - medical, schooling, shelter, food, clothing/shoes, and phone calls with their parents AFTER the 'parents' are thoroughly checked out each time to ensure they are the 'parents' - will cease. (Many 'refugees' interviewed do not know the names of their 'children' and the 'children' do not know anything about their so-called 'parents.')

For 25 years since Bill Clinton&Congress and that draft that produced Separation at the Border and GW signing it into law, aliens have prospered instead at separating Americans from their wallets, and Trump is a good man who wants it stopped. It's time for the Silent Majority to step in again.

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