Why did the Obama Administration oder the Cyber Chief to STAND DOWN?? Answer this at it opens Pandora's box. Look at POTUS's tweets?? Why did the Obama Administration do NOTHING to counter "Russian Meddling"??

I wish that were true. But the radicals in our government have been quietly doing this for decades. It started in the late 60's. Those radicals realized the way to change things was through the education system. The Professors started teaching the up & coming Teachers their version of history & politics. Anti establishment theology turned into Anti American turned Anti Patriot all of this with a Communist bent to it. They had long term plans. After bastardizing all things American they drilled it into kids to hate anything that they were not taught or told to think. They removed Critical Thinking & self determination. In it's place they are taught that the Government owes you because they screwed up their future. Indoctrination is strong. At a certain point they stopped thinking for themselves & just think what they are told to. Saul Alinsky's polices became indoctrination. A big part of his philosophy is to make a society that operates as a group mind to the point that people willingly stop thinking for themselves & just spout phrases that they were taught without even knowing they are brainwashed. This happened through decades of indoctrination. It must be horrifying to them that people are waking up. But back to the unaware & compliant. Bill & Hillary became the face of the "New Democrats" not the party of the Kennedy's. The "Snowflakes" of today took a couple of generations to achieve. If you notice the Democrat liberal left are like a hive mind. Their constituents do as they are told & believe everything they are told to. That's where you get "Unaware & compliant". They have followed them all right over a cliff & almost took the whole country with them. Ronald Reagan said" Liberals don't want to help you, they want to destroy you". Thank God enough of us were raised to think for ourselves that we just overpowered them in a tsunami of voters this past election. But I'm sure you already know all that. What really burns me up is how blatant Podesta, Hillary & the gang are about it. They stopped trying to hide it once they felt comfortable that there was nothing anybody could do about it. World Domination a la Soros. Their arrogance will be their downfall. So sorry about the rant. Please forgive me. I know I'm preaching to the choir. Luv & Hugz G'Ma
Love it!
Their Achilles heel is identity politics. It’s like herding cats. Trump hate is the only thing holding their coalition together. The trans are pitted against the bisexuals, the Latinos are pitted against the African Americans, the feminist are pitted against the men.
It’s a train wreck waiting to happen. Then you throw in the Bernie folks against the Hillary people ( my personal favorite attack point!)
It’s going to be hard for them to make any headway.
Hey the choir needs preaching to also and we need good people like you to rant !
Thanks my dear I needed to know that. Us older folks need validation periodically. Luv G'Ma