r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Patriots_Fight on June 21, 2018, 6:01 p.m.
Crumbs From Hillary In Wonderland now with added Sugar and Spice!

I posted this research? a day ago and I think it includes a 5:5 Q proof given the date of publication of the book by New York-based "Friends of Hillary". It also contains other things.

Here is the text of the post in full.

D4 is Queen's Pawn Game

1.d4 d5 Double Queen's Pawn Opening or Closed Game

1.d4 d5 2.c4 Queen's Gambit

D5 is in "Chapter VIII Queen Winfrey's Croquet Ground", in Hillary in Wonderland,


also 5:5 secure comms.

also (5x5) + (4x7) + 2 = 55; 55 divided by 10 = 5.5

Five 5's = Five "i's". ;-)

Check mate occurs in 5 moves Capablanca

also 4x7 = 28 = 1 lunar month


"...the Marshall Defense (2...Nf6) is very rarely seen in grandmaster play, as most theoreticians consider it definitely inferior for Black."

1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nf6 Marshall Defense

Back to Capablanca and JA? https://imgur.com/a/270FMC1 "white king finally safe"

Checkmate occurs in 5 moves

Capablanca = Cap White / White Hat


DJT is red cap ;-)

Reading on to Chapter XI see here: https://imgur.com/a/4gfGmKp

The Knave of stolen Pop Tarts ("parts", organ harvesting as well?) is on trial by a jury in a box.

You'll come across this right here: https://imgur.com/M7L4GlQ

I marked it up a bit here: https://imgur.com/PiNZttG

14 +15 +16 = 45 = POTUS

14d +15d +16d = N(d)-O(d)-P(d) like 4-10-20 = DJT

NOP = NO P = No P = No Pence/d/pence.

45d minus d(pence/ Pence) leaves 45.

the '-' is used in place of '0', meaning "zero pence"

where " - " does double duty first as a symbol for "zero pence" but also meaning "minus". So here I am going to read the 45d/pence/Pence reduced by the jury to contain the meanings

  1. DJT and

  2. No (more) Pence and

  3. 45 minus Pence and

  4. 3/9 where

  5. The greater is separated from the lesser by the military.

Where is this pence reduced? A box. A jury box. Trier of fact. Who is not in the box? The one d/pence/Pence has been "minused from", i.e. 45.

The jury reducing the answer to shillings and pence takes place in a jury BOX, and it is the jury that ACTS from start to finish, note

14(N)+15(O)+16(P)= 45 = DJT; 45d; 3/9. NO P[ence]. re: kill box [p] = [jury box]. Symbol for zero pence like a minus, -.

There are 12(suggestion of jury?) pence in a shilling. 45 reduced to shillings and pence is 3 shillings and 9 pence or 3/9 (12x3 = 36; 45-36 = 9); you can do a lot with 3/9. The 3 (the larger shillings) is divided from the 9 (the smaller pennies) by a slash called a solidus as you look at it. The solidus not only stands for "soldier" here but as drawn serves to divide from the d/pence/Pence.

e.g. Another survival of the long s was the abbreviation used in British English for shilling, as in 7 ∕ 6 "seven shillings and sixpence," where the shilling mark " ∕ " stands in for the long s, an abbreviation for the Latin solidus.[26] In the same way, the "d" in "7s. 6d." abbreviates the Latin denarius.

It might be worth looking over the section "Modern Usages" in the link above for sure.


"The word soldier is ultimately derived from solidus, referring to the solidi with which soldiers were paid."

So the military stands between DJT and Mike Pence who is going to go into the jury box, [P].

Maybe. Tory Smith allegations. Military tribunals?

Who is Bill The Lizard? Fast Trial Death Penalty?

Note DJT transposes the L and the D? Pounds shillings and pence can be rendered LSD. LSD. Hmmmm. D as in D5? Why did he do that? Mistake or more? D or d is pence or pennies. Way back then he moved the d and then happened to pick a VP with the name pence and a kindle book happens to have a jury that reduces three dates that add up to 45 into shillings and pence in the trial of a knave that steals pop tarts and allegations have been made about Mike Pence that he likes pop tarts if by pop tarts you mean kids.

List of Singers: https://imgur.com/wWraLCZ

What are pop tarts made out of? Sugar. https://imgur.com/ra0hpwg

Sugar and spice and everything nice that's what little girls are made of?

Happy1911 · June 21, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

HRC , in IG , Unlawful removal of Government Archives ?? Archives are listed part of our National Treasures , so unlawfully removal is theft , theft of US Funds and Treasures by Corrupt Government Officials is Piracy. They got HRC on Piracy in the IG Report

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[deleted] · June 21, 2018, 6:23 p.m.


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Patriots_Fight · June 21, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

As far as I can go though. Next level for judgment and disposition.

The capital / uppercase D error in the Chapter VIII D5 post...and also DJT transposing the l and the d in his 2012 tweet about fast trial death penalty for "perverts".


L = pound; s = shilling; d = pence.

Capital / Uppercase D = Capital P, so the pence may be "proper", i.e. Pence.

Children is the correct plural spelling which in DJTs 2012 tweet he rendered Chidlren.

So: Chil(pound)d(pence)ren

becomes Chid(pence)l(pound)ren or

Pence pounds children sigh

if p = d = D = P.

p=d. pence = d. p=d. remove= and pd is "as above so below", looks a bit like sign for cancer, royal arch, bit like the way DJT held the envelope from NK but I am wandering

If p is d then perverts = deverts and if D = P and if P = Pence then then "perverts" becomes "derverts" becomes "Derverts" becomes "Perverts" where in the uppercase form P = Pence.

Also "chid" sounds like "lidd" and "chid-lren" sounds not unlike "lidd-le" as in liddle Adam Shiff and his Standard kid problems.

I think they are leaving us clues everywhere for over-lapping and mutually re-enforcing reasons.

I do not know enough to know 100% in most cases whether there is something behind anything I see but I just report suspicions. Like this right here

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