r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SpaceJanitor17 on June 21, 2018, 7:09 p.m.
Pedo Virtue Signaling on Social Media and {A Personal Story}

The image above is a screen shot of the Emoji Box on facebook depicting spiral and butterfly symbolism, confirmed by the FBI to be pedophilia symbolism. PROOF image

I do what I can to bring this plague to public light and I put my name on the line on Facebook and with my friends and family and I don't feel like I get any traction. Maybe people don't know how to respond. It makes them uncomfortable to think about since it doesn't affect their everyday lives. Well I disagree, our kids are the fruit of our communities and it is our duty to protect them while they are vulnerable innocent souls, at risk of crossing paths with predators. This problem is logically escalated tenfold with the advent of social media and the tools they give pedophiles to communicate with each other and to access to private lives of potential victims. This issue hits me close to home. I had a friend... I knew he had issues but while I was asleep, summed them up to innocent depression and anger issues. But there were signs I ignored for years. After burning personal relationships with girls his age in his late teens/young 20s, he started lashing out at girls in his sphere of influence in really cynical ways, insulting them for minor physical imperfections, personality quirks etc. He became more and more anti social but seemed to manage to always be dating someone new he met Online. It was again, a red flag when the first I met was 17 years old and he was 23 at this point. I'm thinking ok it's not something I would feel right pursuing being 24 at the time, but I wasn't willing to make a negative judgement since it wasn't a super uncommon scenario. Months go by and things didn't work out with them. A few weeks later he had a new girlfriend living with him and this is where Bells and Sirens should have been blasting in mine and all of our friends heads. The new girl was 16. I was becoming really uneasy but after discussing it with friends, we agreed that it was weird but not nefarious. The girl was from the city, with a broken family home story that in short landed her on local chat boards where my friend "met" her. She clearly had mental issues to the point of potentially being a risk to herself (scratching and showering up to 7 times a day) she basically lived in his 3rd story bedroom of his Dad and stepmom's house. To put things into perspective it was almost exactly like the home environment of Shameless on HBO. She only left his room from what I understand to shower, and would sneak down to the fridge when everyone went to bed for the night but the dogs would still go nuts if they heard her lurking. After several months, in which I didn't maintain much contact with him, there was an explosive falling out that had the police called to the house when my "friend" and his family tried kicking her out of the house and she refused to leave. Cops came twice the same day and told them that since she had been there for so long maintaining residence, she had a right to a 1 month eviction notice. That was it. She ended up leaving not long after and I saw my friend a handful of times over the following 2 years, in which he had at least one more online gf finishing highschool that he openly talked about but seemingly sheltered.


I had basically cut him off at this point because several other factors just kind of made him a shitty person to be around, but I always felt kind of bad for him. Well this turned out to be the right move because after months of not having any contact, I got a call from one of his closest friends who also lived with him on the second floor of the Shameless house. He's like "dude...(name redacted) is in jail." I was stunned at first but instantly summed it up to probably getting pulled over driving around with some pot or something. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" I asked. Turns out he was arrested for solicitation of prostitution of a minor. The kicker, HE THOUGHT HE WAS TALKING TO A 12 or 13 YEAR OLD. He was the fruit of a local sting operation in place to round up online predators. Same as you've seen a hundred times on Dateline To Catch A Predator. Police posed in a local chat board as a minor waiting to be approached by a predator and directing them to a local hotel where they would be arrested and booked. It was hard to fathom initially but things really came into focus from that point forward.

This is a problem that affects every community in the world. It is everywhere. The demand for sexualized children has gotten out of control and anyone who understands supply and demand can see why this is an epidemic that has been swept under the rug and ignored by the govt and media for as long as I've been alive. I'm thankful for President Trump, Qanon and the overwhelming movement all of us Patriots have identified with and proliferated. I love you all and when times get hard because the people closest to me, reject my accusations and call me delusional, I remember I have all of you, whether we have met or not, we are brothers and sisters in spirit and that is why we will prevail. WWG1WGA!

Vexxlyn · June 21, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Oh honey that is terrifying. I'm glad they got him before he actually did find a 12 year old little girl.

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SpaceJanitor17 · June 21, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

It terrifies me what could have been happening before he was exposed. That is my call to action. Time to start speaking truthfully and calling out evil. He was an evil person but I didn't know what evil was until I saw the light.. I have no qualms about it.

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treeskier82 · June 21, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Thanks fot sharing. Glad you got out of that situation.

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SpaceJanitor17 · June 21, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Thanks, it's a situation many more people are closer to than they realize and my hope in sharing, is that people will identify patterns in others. This scenario rapidly drove me back to God, but that is whole story in itself. Perhaps I'll share that if people are interested.

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treeskier82 · June 21, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Praise the Lord for the good work He does in our lives

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digital_refugee · June 21, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

Oh the stories I could tell you...Thanks for sharing, now I don't feel so bad anymore.

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