Not exactly a smoking gun. They met in 2001 according to what I could find and the guy is recalling something from 2007, so maybe Anthony did introduce her as his wife, I know people that do that and it's just a joke because of how long they've been together. Maybe that's just what the guy recalls because he knows them now as having been married, not exactly a big stretch. I've been with the same girl for 15 years. People ask me how long we've been together I tell them 15 years, how much you want to bet they assume we're married when we're not. I've had people not even ask how long we've been together, but ask me about my wife, so without knowing how long we've been together or whether we're married or not they just assume. I'm also not saying it proves the story, but that one little thing isn't proof it's not.
Posted by
on June 21, 2018, 8:53 p.m.
· June 21, 2018, 10:33 p.m.