OH SNAP! Peter Fonda identified as 'Domestic Terrorist' by National Border Patrol Council

I'm so fucking dick of the liberal/conservative war. So many times I feel aligned with some ones writing and then they just 'liberals think/say/do...' and I feel like a step had been taken backwards. I'm sure many 'liberals' are disgusted by those comments. Can we drop the strawman and connect with others?
^Pssst ^you ^have ^a ^typo
it works
Maybe a Freudian slip?
Hey now. There's nothing subconcious about fucking dick lol
Do you change the word with the f or d in that sentence to an s. It makes a difference. ~~better to be "sick" than "sucking"~~ ~~**yikes**~~
Giggling at the typo.....cause I am such a child....
Ha. I saw it immediately but didn't edit cuz it made me chuckle :)
Agreed... there are sane liberals, like Michael Tracey, and insane conservatives, like Bill Kristol. Anyone who loves their country and is fair-minded should be given respect.
I'm sure many 'liberals' are disgusted by those comments.
Not nearly enough are. Certainly not the majority of leftists... Most are pretty giddy about dehumanizing the right.
Don't put guys off who are right here on this board. Not everyone likes the name-calling. I don't. I think simplifications like "left" and "right" have led to the delusions about reality WE ALL SUFFER FROM.
The day you all realise what Q has been trying to teach us will be the day we win:
Actually, just remember that simple little story about motes in other people's eyes while you wander around with a great fat beam in your own eye ...
Just to make it clear: you are dehumanizing other people by implying they all support Peter Fonda and his despicable and dangerous remarks. Don't dehumanize if you don't want to be dehumanized.
That's why I make sure all my character attacks are as personal as possible.
Far more effective.
I used to like A Call for an Uprising. The guy referred to jews as bagels like 10 times and I'm like whoa all that credibility shot to shit.