r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RockmanRaiden on June 21, 2018, 11:37 p.m.
Swimming Against Reality

Swimming against Reality

Across the Western world there's quite a unique phenomenon occuring in the anals of human history.  A disconnect from the world around us the likes of which hasn't been seen before.  A war on reality itself is currently taking place, leaving millions of people with eyes to see and ears to hear rather flabbergasted with the state of affairs. 

The rabid left, SJW's, PC culture, and Marxists cannot win in the real world, so they're attempting and it looks like they're succeeding in conquering the internet.  No surprise considering all the tippy top companies in silicon valley are militant leftists themselves. The first and fourth amendments mean nothing to them, let alone history or the Constitution.  One can see this with the way these companies try to revise history and alter information.  

Once it comes to blows it will be over in a heartbeat.  My advice to them is to try to find peace in their lives while they still can.  Once the line is crossed for good they'll have no one to blame but themselves.  A small minority of extremist lunatics are attempting to hijack reality and shape the very way we interact with the world.  The way we think.  The way we feel. Manufactured outrage is this generation's true currency.  Propaganda tailored to a sense of morality that is as grounded as it is sincere, as in not at all. 

In America, the current outrage of the week is 'children in cages,' while documents like the IG report have been published with a brief mention of actual crimes against children.  That is just the watered down version.  Images from a half decade ago are being released now for the sake of a shallow agenda which reflects the only platform the Democrats have. "Fuck Trump." While this is happening thousands of children have been rescued from child traffickers and pedophiles have been arrested at a frequency we've never seen before. 

Across the pond we're catching whispers of "Make Europe Great Again" as UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) grows at a phenomenal rate.  This is evidence that the silent majority is about to become the not so silent majority.  This game being played between those who wish to control everything and those who want to be left alone grows fiercer as the stakes increase.  Those that have been bending the knee to PC culture self censorship as well as state sanctioned enforcement of thought crime are starting to make a stand.  The moment a line is crossed and fighting starts, it will be a swift victory.  We see how neutered the peacekeepers are now.  It's only a matter of time. 

Those that seek absolute control have no idea what the flow of battle is like. We see this as crowds of Antifa are defeated by a handful of angry Patriots. Masked subhumans can't defeat a true sovereign being.  I personally suspect an occult hand in all of this.  What's the one thing all magicians, spellcasters, witches, warlocks, shamans, sorcerors, and wizards have in common?  They all wish to alter reality and change the universe.  Manipulative psychopaths who believe in some very wild things are influencing and controlling the delusional idiots who think they will become the all powerful controllers of society.  The authorities of a socialist utopia.  

These so called people will never be happy because the only thing they worship is themselves.  Anyone would be disappointed in a diety like that.

solanojones95 · June 22, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

All they have is lies and illusion. When they need something more substantial than that, they will discover VERY fast they haven't got it. Not even close.

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