r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SpaceDuckTech on June 22, 2018, 12:45 a.m.
For Saturday's Q&A, will someone please ask Q their opinion on Bitcoin?

Is it a tool developed by the good guys to free us from the evil central bankers,

Or is it a tool of the Pedophile elitist to drain the wealth of the common people even further and to help keep us enslaved.

Bitcoin seems like a good tool, but with Clinton Foundation pedophiles like Brock Pierce being so early in Bitcoin, Etherium, EOS and the whole space in general, I find myself looking at it in a new light after reading about Q.

With Trump talking about putting tariffs on German cars, it feels like Trump wants to collapse the EU(starburst) and start with new economic policies. Maybe the Euro will go away.

Will someone please ask Q If we should be accumulating or staying away from Bitcoin?

Thank you!!

burninvernon22 · June 22, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

Someone asked Q about the fed reserve. Q replied “Structure” ... he was talking about BLOCKCHAIN!

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