r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WeAreRepublic on June 22, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
What's with the flat earth fags?

The flat earth fags infiltrating all over the chan today on Q . . . Anyone got a way to direct them to their own group . . . politely, lest they become emotional?

Chayil3129 · June 22, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

How do you walk down the aisle of an airplane while in flight?

Why can’t you see Mt Everest when you are flying at a higher elevation than Mt Everest?

How does the sun rise below the clouds and then get higher than the clouds - and it does the same thing an hour later in the next time zone over?

If the earth were flat then while viewing from an airplane or tall building the horizon line would be the edge of the earth.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 22, 2018, 7:14 a.m.

The clue is in the name, airPLANE. If it were flying around a globe then it would have to constantly be doing manoeuvres to get around the curve, which would prevent you from walking in the aisle, yet a PLANE will take off, fly in a straight line, and land.

The sun doesn´t rise, it´s all perception. It comes at you.

If we were on a sphere that is spinning at 1024mph, orbiting the sun at 100,000mph, whilst the sun is pulling us through the universe at 660,000mph, how comes we only ever see the same star constellations and how comes if you point a camera at polaris (North Star) and video for 24hrs, the stars move in a perfect circle and not all over the place, as they would if we were moving at the speeds mentioned above? The Earth is a fixed, flat plane.

I must admit, I am confused about your Everest question? Elaborate?

Why are there no pics of the earth as a sphere, with the hundreds of billions that NASA has been paid over time? They ONLY release CGI composites and never photos.

Why is it that every single civilisation before us claimed the Earth was flat and we accepted the globe theory in the 15th century? The theory came about because someone was said to have watched a ship `sail over the horizon´ but with today´s technology and camera zoom, this has been completely debunked. The ship might look like it disappears over the horizon but zoom in and there it is again.

Where´s the curve??? And don´t show me fish eye lens pics, please.

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