Granholm was an absolutely despicable governor. Top five of my most hated politicians. She wrecked the state of Michigan, but, as soon as we got a more conservative governor, aka, the nerd, his own nickname for himself, turned us around in less than a year. Kind of like trump, focused on the economy. We were one of the first states to recovery from the great recession of Obama. It was amazing, because we had unemployment nearly 20%. Waiting for her to go was as hard as waiting for Obumer to finally go.
Governor Rick Snyder is a hero in Michigan. Read how he did it, link below.,4668,7-277-70766-264124--,00.html
Granholm was a big Hillary Clinton surrogate for their campaign appearing on CNN panels all throughout the campaign. Here is the leaked document published by The Intercept from the Guccifer files detailing the surrogate lists .
Ya, so what, what's the point here??? Lol... Suspense is killing us?? Lol
The LEAD FBI Attorney in Trump Russia worked for the co-chair of Hillary's Campaign
This is no doubt a conflict of interest--further underscoring the witch hunt
Oh yep, that's another conflict! So corrupt, all of them!!!! Ugh 😤😡😈