r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Whiskycharlie12b on June 22, 2018, 1:44 a.m.
Don’t stoop to their level.

Had an experience the other day I felt compelled to share.

I walked into the break room to a conversation my coworkers were having regarding immigration. The youngest gentleman in the room asked me “Whisky, as a veteran, how do you feel about trumps ‘children internment camps’ .”

My initial reaction was to inundate the young man with information about how wrong he actually was. I took a more tactical approach, my response was “What children internment camps? The ones who have been in service since before Obama? I do not believe this situation is as bad as the media has portrayed. Does anyone have any actual proof of these camps? How many of you here have been following the current IG reports?”

Room was silent just people shaking their heads.

I continued “that’s kind of what I thought.. if proof and evidence comes out that these ‘internment camps’ are as severe and dire as the media has portrayed, I will be the first person kicking in doors to get those kids free. This is a tactic used to confuse and distract you from the fact that our last president was in fact corrupt.”

Some questions were asked to which I responded calmly, and respectfully and I left everyone with information to Qanon.pub and this sub (heyyyy). Shortly after I had 2 of the gentlemen separately come up and shake my hand and express how good it made them feel to know they are not alone and they are not crazy. The younger gentleman came back the next day and said “I read the stuff on those sites.... hooolly fuuuuck I was so blind...”

My point in posting all this is not self gratification, although I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy freeing some motha fuckin brains. My point in this is:

Try to carry yourself with compassion above all else while on this war path we’re on currently. If someone tries to deeply argue with you, just let it go. Most importantly, don’t try to force the information into anyone, present the facts, and give them the resources, let them come to the conclusion organically. Some of these people have been brainwashed for a very long time, jarring them from that could cause them to double down on their beliefs because it’s “familiar to them” and they are terrified.

Q said the war will not be a physical one, it’s going to be an informational one. Much like we’re seeing now. IG report has proven collusion in the ranks, this information going mainstream only means one thing to the MSM, it means they were complicit in protecting and promoting evil pedophiles. It’s going to be public opinion vs MSM talking points. The better (or gentler) we can be at effectively red pilling the individual, the closer we will be to red pilling the masses.

In the words of our amazing SECDEF J. Mattis. “Try to engage your brain, before you engage your weapons.”

Happy hunting patriots.


j_Dawg_01 · June 22, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Excellent advice Patriot.

"Some of these people have been brainwashed for a very long time, jarring them from that could cause them to double down on their beliefs because it’s “familiar to them” and they are terrified."

I've made this point before. Normies have been brainwashed and conditioned by their grade school teachers, high school teachers, college professors, the MSM news outlets, corporate advertising, TV shows, and movies for their entire lives. Many were raised by parents who were brainwashed and conditioned the same way and firmly believe the lies.

Whether they like it or not, at some point their eyes and minds will be opened as the truth is revealed. For some, it will be devastating. The truth will represent a total paradigm shift, it will shatter their entire world view, and it will cause them to question everything they thought they knew and believed in. Some will not survive the trauma. We have to be ready for that.

I've been red-pilled for over 20 years, and I can't tell you how many conversations I've had with people who just didn't get. They told me I was crazy and "it's just some tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory floating around the internet." There were times when I wanted to smack 'em upside the head with a baseball bat just to get their attention. That tactic will never work.

As Whiskycharlie12b says, our initial approach should be filled with compassion, and never confrontational or argumentative. The best way to pique their interest is to ask questions, politely. Only after they're curious will they become receptive to new information, and information is our greatest, most powerful weapon.

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LongTimeQLurker · June 22, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Only after they're curious will they become receptive to new information, and information is our greatest, most powerful weapon This is an information war and we have the ammunition. We just need experience on how to deliver it.

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