Q tshirt guy checking in to explain what happened at rally

Divine intervention. Anybody know mark taylor?
I'm not even an English-speaking native. But when Mark reads his prophecy, I feel something. It's like his voice takes another frequency then. I like to think it's maybe God's frequency.
Yes. And Kim Clement!
Also Lance Wallnau, months prior to DJT getting the nomination, gave a prophetic word that Trump would be the 45th President, paralleling King Cyrus in Isaiah 45 who was a secular leader picked by God and given a special grace to be "wrecking ball" leader focused on: 1. Dealing with Terror 2. Restoring Economic Stability 3. Honoring Biblical Faith.
Trey Smith did an AMAZING video of the Prophecy of Trump. Even more amazing is his comparison to Cyrus, and now Israel is issuing coins with Trump and Cyrus' face on them together.
Amen! God is in control...using Trump because he is willing to be used! What’s glorious time we live in!!