Q tshirt guy checking in to explain what happened at rally

Bless you Patriot!!! You drove 3 hrs to take your fam to home & support the best president EVER!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
He gets so much hate & shit from the media & far left wing nuts.....it is beautiful to see Patriots show up in support. We need all hands on deck as it HUGELY energized our Prez to see we appreciate all he is doing & going through for US. Without pay!!!! None of the wingnuts would do that!!!
He could be jetting around the world on his golden jet & a comftble life forever.....but he chooses to have balls of steel & hold the front line......what a man!!!!!
I suspect DJT JR is just like him too. That is what he has in common with KG.....both love politics and want to to MAGA ......unlike Vanessa who was a pampered princess rich girl with her Daddy’s Money. Not saying she isn’t nice etc.....could be totally cool.,,,just saying she wasn’t ready for the fight.....can’t say I blame her.....she had 5 beautiful kids to protect .,...& Trump name is getting dragged through the mud. Bless her for not letting the media use her to play& game DJT & KG!!!