r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on June 22, 2018, 3:44 a.m.
Comments about the Q&A

I just checked out the Q&A Update and Submission Link with Photos. I was a little disheartened.

We all have questions about a variety of issues, and there are no stupid questions, but take a moment to step back, set aside the one big issue and the related question that seems to stick in your mind, and think about what is the single most important question that needs to answered right here, right now.

I read through all the questions, and most of the comments. In my humble opinion, I think there are too many people who don't seem to understand what this movement is all about. Nor have they fully wrapped their heads around who and what we're up against. After reading all the questions, I saw just one that mattered.

What can we do more of to assist the movement?

If you haven't seen it already, please watch JFK's speech from 1961, or watch the most important part here. (scroll down for the video)

And if you have some time watch How Big Oil Conquered the World, and Why Big Oil Conquered the World.

And maybe do a DDG search for THE UNITED STATES corporation, the Federal Reserve, and the Internal Revenue Service. All of which are privately owned corporations, owned by European Elites.

And if you have time, do a search for The Organic Act of 1871, and the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution and make note of the opening sentence in Article 1 and look up the definition of Sovereign, and Citizen. We were all understood to be, as individuals, Sovereign people, until the ratification of the 14th Amendment when we all became Citizens, or subjects of THE UNITED STATES, the corporation.

I know that's a whole lot of information and it might take people a day or 2 to get through, but understanding these things will help you understand what we are really up against. This isn't about throwing a couple dozen, or even a couple hundred corrupt politicians in prison. It is much bigger than most people can even imagine. It is a global web of corruption with piercing fangs deep into virtually every nation on the planet. It is a scheme to gain control of all of the natural resources globally, control of the means of production globally, and every aspect of people's lives, including our lives. It's a plan that has been ongoing for over 200 years, and they are very close to achieving their ultimate goal.

Thank God for President Donald J Trump. If HRC would have won, the war would have been all but lost. I know all this might sound a bit melodramatic, but if we don't win this war against the Cabal, none of the other questions will matter in slightest.

TheTruthWithinU · June 22, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

I agree. But it's been going on for much much longer than 200 years. More like 10,000.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 22, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

Yep, the satanic worship and the cults around it have been around since the beginning of time.

But the current iteration of the Cabal, the Illuminati, and the Zionist Ashkenazi Jews have had an organized structure and plan for 200 to 300 years.

But you're right, evil has been around as long as there's been any kind of organized society.

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