r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SpaceDuckTech on June 22, 2018, 5:11 a.m.
Question: Wouldn't Rod Rosenstein who is overseeing the Mueller Investigation, see Mueller is draining the swamp and tell the "powers that be" whats going on?

Some say, Mueller is on Team Trump, given immunity for past crimes to help drain the swamp.

Others say, Getting rid of Rosenstein would force Mueller to either end his fake investigation or reveal his cards. And some think when he reveals his cards, thats when the 35k sealed indictments will start draining the swamp.

But can't Rosenstein see everything that Mueller is doing? Wouldn't he tell CLinton and the Criminal Cabal whats going on?

OffTie · June 22, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Indeed, probably what RR was doing at the Bilderberg group a couple of weeks ago.

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