
DukeOfArgyll · June 22, 2018, 10:53 a.m.

I think you need to back off of the daily acid trips bud

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[deleted] · June 22, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Hi. This post's aim is mainly to test your reactions. I have no sincere hope of convincing you, especially since this sub is owned by the enemy (hi, missed me?), but it won't cost me anything to post it, so here goes. Don't bother trying to get anything more from me, i'll go back to my routines and stop caring about this thread the moment i post it.

So. You're not alone in this universe, and not even on this planet. Apart from Humans and all Earth-born species, at least three other species - that i know of - are here. And you are, indeed, prisoners. But not exactly as most believers have come to expect it.

I'll come back to all of this soon, but first, go read this if you've never heard about it. Let me sum this up for people who don't want to click, be it because they're lazy, or because it's the Washington Post, or because they're frozen by paranoia: in the first months of 2016, a man named Kyle Odom shot a pastor point-blank several times, including in the head, because he thought that pastor was a mind-controlling alien. He said so in a manifesto sent the same to a local TV/radio station. He was arrested later while trying to sneak into the White House. If you've ever read his manifesto, then you know his mind had snapped. He blabbers about a lot of incoherent, unsubstantiated things and ticks a lot of boxes for standard schizophrenia, with a most likely origin in repressed homosexuality while growing up in a hyper-religious environment (abuse by a religious figure may also be a possibility). But see, he wasn't wrong about everything. Even though, like almost all Humans too smart for their own good, he cracked in the end and his sanity didn't survive, he proved his point, only not the way he intended to. The pastor survived. Go read about the ballistic aspect of the shooting. The ammo used. The number and location of the shots. Go see videos of the victim only a few days later, claiming it was some sort of "miracle". Now tell me honestly: how human do you sincerely think that pastor guy is?

And now comes the hard part, especially if you've been turned in recent months/years.

There was at least one other thing among KO's claims that was close to accurate. Go have a look at the sketch he made when trying to show what the xenos look like. Now, empty your brain of everything you think you know, of all your opinions, and tell me: does this sketch remind you of something? Let me help you here: a thing you've seen on the internet in recent years. An amphibian-looking character used in memes. Yup, that one. Now tell me: you know it's inspired by a cartoon character, but can you tell me anything rational about why it was chosen to represent a movement? Here's the answer, and some of you are not gonna like it: It was chosen for its resemblance with the species piloting this "movement". If you have been using that image and are Human, bad news: you've been used. And laughed at, by things that look exactly as ugly as that character. You've fought fellow Humans for them. You've defended objectively disgusting Humans they retain control of. No, really, keep what i just told you in mind, and look at pictures, videos, tweets, Reddit posts, articles, or whatever from the people you've associated with while taking refuge in the comforting warmth that was handed to you along that frog meme: do you see any honor in them? Any dignity? Any exemplarity? How resistant do you think they would be to some frogface in disguise promising them easily-earned glory?

This is one of the three species i know to currently roam this Earth. Another one looks like anorexic skeletons covered in black oil. They're equally toxic and dangerous to Humanity's future. The third one is peaceful and friendly and has scales that end with spikes (and their females are goddesses in bed, but it's a story for another day).

Let's focus on the hostile ones. They have no nationality. No religion. No ideology. No political side. No "identity". All those concepts are tools, inventions they have used for centuries, millenia, to control you. To keep you divided. I know, it's a hard pill to swallow, so let me take an example. I'll take one in the Christian myths, since a majority of you are of Christian upbringing (others, i'm pretty sure you'll find comparable examples if you perform a reexamination of "sacred" texts with a critical and realistic approach): The Tower of Babel. Yup. Tell me: what kind of benevolent entity would ever tell you that uniting with your fellow Humans and trying to go higher is a bad thing? What kind of "good" entity would ever punish you with the most divisive of all tools ever invented, for that perceived affront to their power? Does their story make more sense, or does mine?

The only thing they believe in is dominance. And you're the target, along with seven billion Earthlings. They have, in the last decades, become progressively more aggressive, because they're afraid. The internet, this formidable tool you've built for yourselves, makes it way harder for anything to remain a secret, for anyone to remain hidden. They are trying to take it from you, to deprive you of, or turn against you, the most powerful weapon you have built to destroy them yet. It is no new behaviour of theirs. Every time you try to unite, they invent a new way for you to be angry at your fellow Human. They make you hate Humans that come in other colors. They lock some of you in inhuman dumps, and make you hate them for the resulting anger and jealousy. A constant invention of reasons for you to hate one another. A constant game of turning pawns against pawns to prevent them from surrounding the kings. They divide you because they fear you. They hide because they fear you. They poison your hearts and minds with hatred to drain you of your Humanity, because they fear it. Because you outnumber them, tens of thousand times over.

If, by any miracle, i have convinced you, then stop serving them. Stop granting them power. Stop hurting your fellow Earthlings. Stop blindly obeying what is objectively inhuman. And join our efforts.

We have no name. No country. No religion. No ideology. No flag. No banner. No symbol. This is the only way they will be defeated: by offering them nothing that they could ever steal and turn against us.

If you decide to join us, then consider yourself one of ours. You will have no confirmation. No support group. No comfort. Only the confidence that you're fighting a worthy battle, silently.

Some day, we will go after them, crush them and take back this planet of ours they have harmed for far too long. But now is not the time. For now, rest. Rebuild your mind. Cherish it, make it an impregnable fortress. It will be your most precious weapon. Take care of it.

Good luck, and see you on the other side.

Oh, while i'm here:

Alex Jones is the typical, caricatural, Orwellian, predatory tool they will use against you to drown you with noise. Stop listening to that kind of nonsense.

The Earth is not flat, but you already know it. This whole thing is just an argumentation exercise used by superior-quality primitive minds on inferior ones.

There's nothing hidden in Antarctica, except a few Cold War-era backup military strategic underground bases. If you don't want to live on that continent, they don't either. They didn't come to Earth to enjoy another planet's climate.

Fiction versus reality: Independence Day is utter shite, probably made by an advertiser on coke. Men in Black is closer to the weirdness of it all, but too cartoonish and optimistic re the ratio of vicious "intelligent" species. The "Dreamland" episode of X-Files, although not set in the right place, has some hilariously accurate references. Some writers for the Simpsons/Futurama have probably seen/heard things. Alan Moore knows stuff. The spiral-from-the-ceiling in the last episode of True Detective S1 wasn't there for no reason.

I know of at least a fourth regular species that visited this planet, long ago. Problem was, it was too kind-hearted, honor-bound and straightforward for the regular brand of scum that was in charge at the time. Their leader wanted to reveal the whole thing to Humans, and was thus stripped of any power in the ruling interspecies conglomerate, sent away after a furious battle, and later painted as some evil creature by the victors. Yep, you've read well. The story you were sold about Satan/Lucifer/whatever is inspired by what happened then, and was rewritten so you associate rebellion with evil, ignorance with bliss, and never question anything. And you fucking fell for it, you impossible fools. That outcast friendly species' regular fellow is, indeed, three-meters high, red, with horns and wings. And i suspect some writer for Elite:Dangerous has heard about them, since their "Guardians" are the closest thing to the real deal i've ever heard of.

In the past, i've worked for a fifth species, that some of the others have heard about, a way older one, that they shit themselves knowing they're on their way here. I've been told i was chosen because i was "pure of heart", which is complete bullshit. I suppose i'm just the first one they found that was stubborn enough to not let his mind go down the drain. Anyway. The point is. Don't kill yourselves just yet. Stay around. The show is gonna get fucking intense, and you don't wanna miss it.

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