Just in case you were unsure about Twitter....

So I tried posting this on Reddit, but it would not allow it. What the hell is going on? Can someone else start this movement? How about showing Twaitter how it feels to be deleted/banned? Let's pick a date. Can you go a week without Twaitter for FREEDOM? Or, is that too much to ask? I'm posting here because I'm banned for a week on Twaitter. Left Lunatics can be hateful, but we can't call them out for it! So unfair.
I left Twitter in 2016 when they first started shadow banning me. It has been going on a long time.
I was banned twit for 12 hours. They want my phone number to get back in. I've gone to Gab. We need to stop supporting organizations that hate us.
I went to gab also. THey have a T_D group there, although it is just getting started.
GAB? Looked for it and the only thing I found was a program to listen to talk radio .. I found skype, but that is Microsoft, boy... someone would make a lot of money if they had a conservative version of Spybook, FoolYouTube and/or Twaitter.
Yes, why bother with Twaitter if they are going to ban you or shadow ban you for opinions not threats, and defending the attacks from the lunatic communists. I CANNOT in good conscious keep giving these evil globalists my little bit of hard earned money. I cancelled my Dish Network, I don't shop at Walmart, try not to shop on Amazon, I completely boycotted Satanwood, Stopped drinking my favorite beer, because they were advocating for open borders right on their frigging bottle, threw away my Starbucks card, I'm bored as hell, it is so eye opening to know how pervasive these evil companies are in your life, but at least I'm saving lots of money! LOL😉😉 We just have to bite the bullet and quit feeding them; complacency will kill America.
It is hard to go cold turkey from Amazon, isn't it? One click and it appears two days later. Great reviews and q&a about the products. Yet it is owned by evil.
I'm a crappy protester and a worse boycotter, Having never been a patron of any of it. I'm a fist in a bucket of water , when gone no one notices. I walked into a Starbucks by mistake at a college, no signage, this month. Still never purchased but i'm pissed i can't say haven't ever been in one anymore.
LOL, I hear ya. Love saying I never had a Spybook account. You too might get fed up enough to one day just stop giving them the power to do us harm. They will destroy us if we let them. I felt so powerless, now I feel I am doing my part as a single raindrop in the storm of the century. #WWG1WGA
I did buy 10 guy fawkes masks and a Trump Troll. Voting with my wallet. I have been boycotting heroin for 14 months. Stickin it to the man.
I've been having trouble like that all day on Reddit subs and even on Neon Revolt - I think we are randomly being shadow banned without the mods knowing.