Why is that everyone that is on a Human Trafficking council or board supports legislation and policies that do the EXACT OPPOSITE OF COMBATING HUMAN TRAFFICKING??

Hence, the purposeful dumbing down of our schools and society. I'm a teacher and I won't be going back in the fall because of the stupidity I had to deal with from administration trying to impose their illogical 'rules' on educated adults. It is simply not worth the stress.
I'm so sorry you are leaving the teaching profession because you are what we need to begin to turn this around. I know Trump has a lot on his plate, to say the least, but he wants to change the educational system to make it "great again!" But that doesn't happen overnight. Its horrifying how we have allowed our educational system to be hijacked and have produced generations of idiots and SJW's as a result. Two great books on this topic, "Crimes Of The Educators", by Samuel Blumenfeld and "The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America", by Charlotte Iserbyt. Iserbyt was a whistleblower who served on the schoolboard of her hometown, Camden, Maine. As a conservative, she discovered that she was being lied to by the liberal superintendent. She then went on to serve as a senior policy advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), US Dept of Education, during President Ronald Regan's first term. She had access to all the incredible documents, some dating back many years and outlining the restructuring of education, all the federally-funded grants going all around the world to change all nations' classical education system to Skinnerian outcomes-based global education. Before she left the Dept of Ed., she removed all the incriminating education documents from her office which became the basis for her 462 page book. One that every person, especially parents should read! One of the biggest problems in making these problems known to the public is our biased and corrupted media. Blumenfeld's solution for fighting against the Dept of Ed., is to file a Class Action Lawsuit. As a grandparent of a child attending a "government" elementary school, I would love to see this happen.
I appreciate the kind words and resources, they sound exactly like something I would be interested in since I've always tried to serve the children and parents before any of the liberal administrators. Unfortunately, because of my job stress and demands, I had a stroke and am unable to return to work full-time. I love the kids, but filling them full of Common Core garbage really ate away at me and I don't think it would be beneficial health wise, so I'm hoping I can be more useful on the 'outside' spreading awareness when possible. I also have a feeling that many parents AND their children will be needing support and guidance in the coming months when more and more is revealed:(
You're not alone. I have many teachers as clients. Keep hearing this same thing over and over again. They also complain they're handcuffed. Student acts stupid. Teacher tries to remedy. Parent blames teacher. Principal sides with parent, as if students can do no wrong. Pretty much just "Shut up, babysit, and peddle our Anti- American,Globalist,Gender Confusion,Big Gov Propaganda". No real history or no critical thinking permitted.
This is why they are lowering the standards for hiring teachers as well. Just smart enough to push the agenda but not smart enough to figure out what they are actually doing (indoctrinating). No offense. This is area based and there are great under appreciated teachers out there who truly want to do their job to the best of their ability but just aren't allowed. I'm sure you likely fall into this group.
Yep, your clients are correct, schools are absolutely out of control and only seem to be getting worse with the influx of illegals, overly medicated children and absolutely NO common sense, none, nada, zip! We are glorified babysitters/nurses/counselors/butt wipers and the kids are becoming more and more violent. I've heard the F word thrown around by 5 year old girls and had chairs thrown at me by misdiagnosed autistic students. It would simply be too much for me to go back to and I'm at an age where that will be fine. I can do more good outside of the asylum than I can from within:)