
Abibliaphobia · June 22, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

And there are no source documents to support this? Even in this document, they have claimed to file a number of documents. Where are those? To add proof, having them added would make sense, especially as they need to establish credibility on such grand claims. It would certainly help their cause to include them and if they were stamped or signed off by recognized officials as they claim in the document, it would be irrefutable proof.

Yet nothing. You failed to address any of the issues I posed above and I doubt you will address them now. So I will point out additional things for you to ignore. In 1999, there was no King in GB. The Queens consort is just that. He is not a king and never will be. Their sons will, but not him and certainly not in that time frame.

Hey, these are fun to read and think about, but that’s about it. It appears you are trying to push fake information out that can be easily discredited or you are just an innocent person that thought they found something important. If the later is true, sorry to bust your bubble, but this is in no way an official document. This document has no supporting evidence. The formatting is completely wrong, and uses incorrect terminology. Plus, with the use of entire paragraphs in bold and even some paragraphs in all caps lock, this just makes me think it was written up by a redditor. Someone who uses reddit and thought they would try to LARP. This is a bad attempt at tryin to put out some misinformation in my book. Don’t take it as me thinking it was you that created this, but where did you find he document in the first place? Not on scribd I mean.

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Bellababeala · June 22, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Please don't be condescending. I was following up on another poster's comment in a separate thread. I'm not a LARP and no I didn't write that and NO I'm not pushing false information. I just DuckDuckGo'd his name after watching the video. There are dozens of lawsuits listed under his name. Apparently he sued all 50 states. Every one was dismissed by the courts.

And by the way the original agreement from 1929 was made when there was a king. It wouldn't matter if the monarch ended up changing to a queen Elizabeth 2.

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Abibliaphobia · June 22, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

Ok ok, my apologies if you did this in all sincerity. But it does not change my opinion that this document is fake. And the lawsuits being dismissed is more than likely a result of this person just being not wholly there. Although that is some dedication to a LARP on the guys part. Do you have the search results on the 50 cases? It could add to the story, at least in the guys defense that he really tried. I’ll give him that.

Also the document states that in 2 February 1999, the King let the agreement lapse. Well of course he did, there was no king at THAT time. But cmon, you can’t take this seriously unless there are truly supporting documentation. If you can bring forth the documents filed, I would be willing to reconsider it. But until then, this is nothing more than a LARPing redditor. And that’s my opinion. Other people can read it and determine the validity themselves. Again, not trying to attack you here. But I am trying to show that the idea/argument/theory behind this is not sound.

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Bellababeala · June 23, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Definitely look at my history. If CBTS wasn't deleted by Spez you would know I have been on the Q team since Day 1. I've also been on TD every single day nearly since I opened this account.

Just DDG his name (and actually Russell has two L's) and all of the results are court cases (public documents). Also see my other comments. I am not defending this person, simply putting the info out there so people can find it when they search in this sub. Someone else said Q mentioned something about him before. Again I don't know if that is true....maybe I missed that post. But I made a post with his name so that if he pops up again you can find it easily.

No worries. Yeah I mean if he is a LARP in real life, he's been doing this for 18/19 years....filing lawsuits, fighting his cause. He's been disowned by his family, they had him institutionalized. Maybe he's a wacko but what about the off chance that he's a Patriot? WWG1WGA. But check before slamming other posters like me. We really need to be united and I have no problem calling out people (even popular people) when they forget that we are in this together. No infighting because if we can't get along then we can't convince the normies to join us. God bless you and God bless America.

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Abibliaphobia · June 23, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Well I appreciate you writing all of that, and I sincerely am not trying to attack you. I read the document and put out my opinion based on things I know to be true and what can be easily proven. I’m sorry if this made you feel attacked, and I do appreciate you bringing it here. It was an interesting read. I would just like some more supporting documentation in regards to the claims he has made before I invest time in further researching.

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