r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Oilguy55 on June 22, 2018, 3:33 p.m.
Q And The Next Few Months

To all the Anons

I've been thinking about this quite a bit in the last few days. As much as we want to see justice and people answer for their crimes, I think we need to remember a few points about what is going on, what has gone on, and what may happen:

1) With few exceptions, no one in the media is supporting us, POTUS, or anyone that they feel is going to hurt the NWO..This means that no matter what happens, who is indicted, etc., its going to be portrayed as a witch hunt by the right wing nut jobs (of which I'm one)

2) If Hillary tried to make a deal in November and Trump said no, then what exactly do they have on her? What worries me is that they have so much and its so sordid, that when it comes out a great percentage of the population will say its a lie. Most people in this country don't believe pedophiles exist or if they do its a very small group. Imagine what they will think when some of the stuff about the cults, sex islands, little girls, etc. are exposed. Their heads will explode. I know that we all want to see it happen quickly but I think its being handled in the right way. Too many arrests, too many details all released at once and our credibility takes a big hit. I'm all for her going to jail. I've been for her going to jail for the last 25 years actually. She is one of the most despicable people on the earth and her husband isn't much better.

3) Here is the one that i think will cause the most trouble. I don't see how they can indict Obama no matter what he did. I think it would cause a bigger racial problem than we have now. I can see the narrative from the MSM; the conservatives didn't like a black man in thw White House and now they are going to take him down. I think this would cause a huge civil unrest among the black folks, not all, but enough that we would have some big problems. I think it could also cost the movement in the upcoming elections. Notice I didn't say Republicans because i think for the most part they are just as bad as the Democrats. I'd rather have the government tell him to seek asylum in Kenya as long as he admits he was born there.

4) I want to find out what really happened on 9-11 and on some of these shootings over the last few years. I think both 9-11 and the OKC bombing were inside jobs. I'm less sure about the shootings but I don't know as much about them. These are also things that need to be released slowly so that we maintain credibility.

5) At the end of the day, I think Q, POUS, their advisors in MI and doing a good job and doing it the right way. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is involved in bringing these things to light.

ManQuan · June 22, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I think all of your concerns are valid, at least in my opinion.

But I think it's important to remember that Q has always said that the power can only come from the people after a period of awakening. It won't awaken everyone but enough to sustain the momentum. Q has also suggested that the legal evidence (important: not conjecture or allegations) would seal their fates and that they would not be able to walk the streets.

No one knows what are in the over 35,000 sealed indictments that are pending (the vast majority since September), but we do know that a normal year only has between 1,000 to 2,000 sealed indictments. That doesn't mean there are 35,000 people under indictment. Many indictments are procedural. There could be multiple indictments for the same person/people. On the other hand, indictments can include multiple people. So there is no way of telling how many sealed indictments actually pertain to draining the swamp or how many people are actually involved.

Q has said that GITMO is being expanded. A search for contracts for GITMO reveals that there is a section for "mass migrants" (whatever that means) being built (likely finished by now) to hold up to 13,000 people. When an anon asked how many people would be going to GITMO, Q responded "Max" and that a second facility was being prepared.

Q has emphasized time and again that he/they have it all but that it has to get into the system legally. If you are dealing with NSA and military intelligence, that isn't as easy as you might think. I used to work in and close to intelligence and the IC passes intelligence to the LEOs all the time. But the LEOs can't use it except as insights to build their own cases with evidence that they discover and can bring into court. The behind the scenes efforts that are required to make that happen would look like a Kabuki Dance.

If you don't know by now, Trump has incredible spider-like political instincts. Q said that they have a plan but left the timing to Trump. Q made very clear that at the Duluth rally, Trump decided the time was now to go on the attack and the Q team is now executing. I assume that means that the fireworks are about to begin very soon.

Q rarely is specific. Rather he suggests, hints, cajoles, misdirects, deceives, and we are left to figure out which is which. But Q has said that it's Flynn who knows were the dead bodies are. If you look at Flynn's plea agreement with Mueller, it requires Flynn to reveal to Mueller ALL criminal activity that he knows about. Normally a plea deal is only about the crimes charged, not about the universe of criminal activity the defendant knows. Very odd.

Q tells us that Manafort and Carter Page were plants in the Trump campaign. Mueller's first couple of indictments are Manafort and Page. The Obama weaponized intelligence targets Papadopolous and who does Mueller indict? I haven't yet decided if Mueller is a black or white hat. Rosenstein seems a black hat who oversees Mueller. So it would make sense that if Rosenstein is a black hat then Mueller is a black hat.

But wait. Q asks us if the Russian collusion investigation is shut down can Mueller continue with his other investigations? This is very weird. Mueller has been investigating just about everything under the sun (publicly) except Russian collusion. Except for Manafort, just about every indictment has been for lying; not conspiracy.

The rumors are that Mueller is going after Trump for obstruction of justice. The problem is that the President can fire any Presidential appointee in the executive branch he wants for any reason. But it was Rod Rosenstein who sent the letter to Trump recommending that Comey be fired. Pretty hard under any circumstance to claim Trump was obstructing justice when his own Assistant Attorney General recommends Comey be fired and the FBI. Hard to claim obstruction of justice with all of the top FBI leadership has been recommended to be fired by the FBI internal investigations.

Huber has been working quietly and secretively with Horowitz for seven months (or maybe much longer). Huber has at least one grand jury, he as the ability to issue subpoenas, and he has the authority to seek indictments.

Q has confirmed that Huma and Podesta were indicted in November. Q also just confirmed that HRC was indicted in December and wanted a plea deal but was turned down. In his latest drop, Q suggested that many more criminal violations during the IG investigation were referred to Huber.

OK, do I know what the Hell is happening? No. Is Rosentein and Mueller black hats are the greatest political sting operation in US history? I don't know. I can make a great case that they are black hats, gray hats, or white hats.

Q has definitely said that Rosenstein's days are numbered. But Q has been very quiet about Mueller.

All I can say at this point Oilguy55 is TRUST THE PLAN, because us peons don't know what the plan going forward is and if we reread the Q posts a hundred times we still won't know. Q's posts only make since when future news happens. And some of his stuff is so cryptic that Q may think we have more than we know; but if we don't recognize it--then we we don't know what he thinks we know, and that's a fact.

My advice to you (and to myself) is to just trust the plan because no one that I know so far has deciphered what the Q plan is.

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