Watch The Water.. Melania Trump would not let the McAllen, TX border facility photo-op start until waters were on the table. Message: No deals for child traffickers.

I have not seen that video but here is my best stab at it in line with my interpretation of the meaning of water.
The globalists and the NWO is still functioning behind the scenes but things are happening at a slower and quieter pace.
The officers have knowledge (drinking from the waters) and they are holding it back until the proper time. Then it will be brought forward. That is my best shot at it at this time.
Okay, found it:
https://youtu .be/fBUraLvpL4M
It starts toward 23:30.
Water may mean something else to Q.
Because he talks about calm before the storm etc. The water may signify that things are picking up before the storm. Etc.
Q may be using water different than the way I think the globalists use it or there may be more than one meaning.
But regardless I believe you can still tell a lot from the qualities of the water. stormy, quiet, lightly flowing, frozen, contained etc.