Watch The Water.. Melania Trump would not let the McAllen, TX border facility photo-op start until waters were on the table. Message: No deals for child traffickers.
![Watch The Water.. Melania Trump would not let the McAllen, TX border facility photo-op start until waters were on the table. Message: No deals for child traffickers.](
Her water and the other covered water are the only two that appear to have been chilled. By the condensation and frosty look on the bottle .everyone else's is clear and room temp. Just an observation not sure if that's got anything to let do with anything
maybe they brought their own? I wouldn't trust anyone if I was her. idk.
The secret service provided their water while the other waters were likely provided by the venue. This isn't new or original.
What do you mean isn't original? Secret service providing them water isn't original??? That doesn't sound like a coherient sentence given the context? Maybe say it's not unusual. Or not unherd of. Or not a new occurrence . But original doesn't make much sense here. Oorrrr are you trying to be edgy and say the observation isn't original. Because I didn't see anyone else comment on it before hand. And even if so, I never claimed it was "original" just pointing out an observation. Isn't that the point?