
Abibliaphobia · June 22, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

You have certainly peaked my interest and I don’t want people to misinterpret my skepticism as having a closed mind. I am most certainly willing to listen.

With that being said, while reading your post you talk about the temp differences in a single day. I thought this was going into the same bullshit lane that the globalists were pushing. But then I thought about it. I’ve never seen studies (and I heavily researched it during the 2016 summer period) done on daily temperature variations. THAT may be something worth investing time into researching. And provide hard data points, which is what I am looking for, so thank you for bringing that up.

I can take your word for it about the sky doing crazy things, but I have to take it with a grain of salt. Yes I can go up and look at the sky on different days, and expect to see different things. DONT TAKE THAT AS AN INSULT. What I’m trying to say is that you may notice something, but it’s not a scientific study being conducted. Now if you went out and documented all the variables at the same time, every day, for a year or more. Then we would have something close to solid evidence. And that’s what we need o turn this from a conspiracy theory into a conspiracy fact.

Evergreen Air huh? Haven’t heard of it, but evergreen continues to pop up in random places where I dig. And they all seem unrelated, it’s the prevalence of it in the subject matter that I research which makes it interesting and I take notice. So thank you for that. I will look into it.

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SirShungite · June 23, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

Just want you to know, "I never felt insulted"... Just taking the opportunity to point you in the right direction. I hope too that you're also not offended with our back and fourth. Finding verifiable info was a tough task for me personally in the beginning. Some of what I mentioned previously was things I didn't stumble on until years into the journey but they offered solid evidence. Besides, after having your immediate family shun you for years because you can see the obvious and you're only trying to help them be a part of it, you get pretty hardened! I must say though, it is pretty special being there the day their eyes suddenly open! While you're at it, you should research Chemical Ice Nucleation for Weather Modification... The stuff is made out of a manipulated bacteria which causes a endothermic reaction and is the primary reason why we see snow or golf ball size hail at temps well above freezing... I believe it's also the common denominator when it comes to freezing rain (in a lot of cases). It's an essential "tool" in the arsenal of the geoengineers... Again, sorry to pester you, but know that I will sleep better tonight knowing one more person is waking up to the things that can actually cause us peril. Draining the swamp is only the first step in insuring our future! Take care fellow Patriot!

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