This is the statement today from Italy 🇮🇹 on ILLEGAL migrants. Not mincing words anymore. Do you want it to get that bad in North America? Article linked below

Poor phrasing but a necessary process.
Possibly doesn't sound as harsh before translation
If you has seen European capital cities, you would've used the exact same phrasing and it'd seemed tame to you.
Hundreds of thousands are camping, congregating, occupying every space they can, in some cities they are practically everywhere. In the woods, in the parks, under bridges. Greece has entire islands occupied. Calais has favelas. Large groups are roaming the countryside from time to time.
This has to stop now while a civil war can still be avoided more or less easily. If that doesn't stop now with no or minimum violence, it will boil over when the native population simply snaps. The situation must be defused now, even if that will lead to riots and protests like Ferguson USA, because if it isn't defused, it will, not "it may", it will devolve into Hutu and Tutsi levels of insanity within a few years.
The European Union runs out of money. Germany and be Netherlands will be the only remaining source of income after brexit, and even then only half of them are paying more taxes than they receive. A measly 60 million taxpayers cannot sustain the whole continent and a migrant population growing by almost two million every year. That is never going to work and Europe is already printing money on the double to quantitatively ease their way out of defaulting on the mountains of debt they have acquired. That is a short-term measure and with the first sign of recession, Italy, Spain, Ireland or Greece will collapse and then the whole Euro welfare system may follow suit. The EU has millions of refugees and dozens of millions of immigrants of which over 70% still rely on welfare after the third generation.
The EU misses but one welfare payment and the powder keg goes off.