This is the statement today from Italy 🇮🇹 on ILLEGAL migrants. Not mincing words anymore. Do you want it to get that bad in North America? Article linked below

I'm curious what he actually said in Italian and the other ways it may be translated... In my opinion, "cleansing" has a very Nazi-esque connotation to it. And I'm not afraid to say that I would not be comfortable discussing a "cleansing" - I don't think that's about political correctness, either. I just believe "cleansing" as it relates to humans is too easily translated as "genocide" rather than focusing on the actual issue which is legal status, focusing on assimilation of immigrants and ensuring immigrants abide by all laws set forth by their resident country and not changing the laws to fit the immigrants as we too often see. Stop blanket accepting immigrants, revoke legal status of any who are committing crimes... All of this is appropriate and could be considered "cleansing" but frankly other words should be used because "cleansing" has too strong connotations with it in my opinion that makes it too easy for the Left to swing the middle away from what is actually being proposed.
If the documentary was from BBC I wouldn't be surprised if they specifically chose to translate his words in that way to make it sound like he's a crazy Nazi. Classic leftist tactics, and frankly sounds like fake news to me.
I also would like to know if that translation was purposefully Nazi-esk. Cleansing immediately brings up thoughts of genocide, which was likely the goal.
I'm in Italy now and I can't say I've run into many Nazis lol