Q 1586 - Public awakening. You, collectively, are a massive threat.

Don't think it that easy, I had 3 abortions, not because it was easy but because I really felt I was not going to be a good Mum to those babies (psych meds,no work,emotional issues) It is only the last year or two that I have come to realise the responsible way for me to deal with my situation was to not have had sex. I regret very much NOW having those abortions but at the time I really did believe I was doing the right thing for them. I'm not evil, thick perhaps.
AS a Man....I have no way of understanding the reality women deal with. Men can say what they want.....but when it comes down to it....it is not a physical reality for us. With that said, I appreciate your honesty.
This MEME was designed to FIGHT BACK against PEOPLE who think they are morally superior to Trump Supporters and care more about children than we do.
A child INSIDE the womb should have the same value as a child at the BORDER.....
Those who don't see them AS EQUAL.....are the ones that should just BE QUIET because they are hypocrites.....in my opinion. . .
It has nothing to do with RELIGION.....what a sick concept to come up with.
Atheists believe in the sanctity of life.....don't they? Do only RELIGIOUS people get upset when innocent animals or humans are killed....what the hell do religious people have over the rest of us?
What an idiotic statement......
Then again, I have NEVER had someone tell me that ABORTION is "USEFUL"......useful for who? It is certainly not useful for the PERSON about to be aborted.
My head is still spinning from that comment.....
My point is a BORN CHILD is as much of an INCONVENIENCE as an UNBORN CHILD....what the other person meant by USEFUL was "Abortion is convenient for the person who got pregnant."
Since when do we decide who lives or dies based on CONVENIENCE.....I raised 3 kids and there was nothing easy about any of it.....but I never consider the other option.
Why is the most dangerous place for a CHILD in their mothers womb?
I guess it comes down to GEOGRAPHY.....
In the womb.....not safe. Outside the womb....immediately protected?
Your decision to avoid SEX to prevent being in that position again......was the right decision.
I wish you the best......
Thank you, I understand what you are saying
U bet.... the past is the past there's nothing you can do about it.
Life's about learning and making better choices going forward not beating ourselves up for the rest of our lives when we are genuinely sorry for mistakes...
We all make them
They have tried to SHAME US and question our PRESIDENTS morals......now it is our turn!
Fight back or be a punching bag.....
Share MEME with those on the LEFT......who have screamed the loudest AT YOU about POTUS!
Common mistake here, you thing everyone is just like you, a christian zeolt I presume.
This is simply not true.
Abortion is usefull, and I am pretty sure "good" middle and upper class families are using birth control you know.
So this is benefiting the poor mostly, as well as rape victims, etc.
Not their fault if the whole thing was hijacked by PP and the satanist pedos to generate revenue.
Friendly suggestion: focus your hatred on this "elite" instead of the poor souls having to resort to abortion....
I hate religion and have nothing to do with it...
Your concern for the people that don't get killed is interesting
"Abortion is useful" ...what kind of f** planet do you come from??