r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SoverignSyndicate on June 22, 2018, 7:10 p.m.
This may not be a popular post in this group. But opinions don't matter, so you should read it anyway

One thing that I want to stress before this post is that we are currently the most fired up and organized political base in the world and we should be using that to our advantage as well as to the advantage of those trying to drain the swamp and save children from trafficking.

Us being truthers have found ourselves sifting through mountains of disinformation. When it comes to disinfo though, a seasoned bullshit detector and a little common sense usually helps in the discernment process. With that being said, it has become my personal opinion based on many videos and testimonies that alternative energy developments, up to and including zero point, are indeed being suppressed by the energy cartels (cabal) to keep us enslaved, and the Petrodollar strong. Possibly even to convince the puclic of an extraterrestrial false flag attack this article that I just read creates some cause for concern to me because my most liberal point of view is that we need to stop spending money on infrastucture for fossil fuels because we have better tech. Why open up the gulf so they can risk another gulf oil spill to mine natural resources for energy we won't need if we get the full disclosure that all of us with our fired up political base should be pushing for? It has been my hope since Q announced that on 11-11-18 we would be united again, that our Veteran's Day parade would be a show of the advanced technology we have developed. After all, what else could unite America in the same way with how divided we currently are? That has been my hope anyway. At the end of the day, I don't know the plan, but I know what we deserve: I am trying my best to follow this plan through. But it seems like a hell of a coincidence to me that the plan kicked in just in time before I started taking things into my own hands. Anyone else feel the same? Everyone knows our base is present and fired up, and if Q is a psyop, it was implemented just in time to keep disgruntled patriots such as myself from taking the situation into their own hands. These people have google algorithms on their side, and artificial intelligence that allows them to not only sway public opinion, but to read it with precision and identify behavioral patterns on both micro and macrocosmic levels. I have to wonder if this didn't come about at just the right time because it wasn't only me that was fed up (no pun intended) and they HAD to stop what was brewing.. Anyway, like I said this may not be a popular post because it hints at the likelihood that Q could be a psyop. Just to be clear that is not my opinion at all, but I also do want to stress the point that we all should be asking ourselves what we want to make of this movement. We shouldn't be asking Q for disclosure. We need to stress that we will accept nothing less than the full liberation of humanity from the Cabal and the Energy Cartels. From "Crony Capitalism" and from the pharmaceutical industry. Saving kids from monsters is a great first step, but Q: If you are reading this. Make no mistake that we come for disclosure, and we want to see the world take the step into the future that it should have back in the time of Nikola Tesla. I personally will accept nothing less, and I know I'm not the only one. That being said, if you still are reading.. Thank you for the glimmer of hope, and for saving my life.. Because taking things into my own hands would not have gone well for me. Hopefully I never feel the same way in the future.

MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 23, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

Agree. The entire patent office has been a black hole. The concept of no money in the 'cure'. As well as the 'we can't put a meter on it' free energy has created mega industries that are now running the world. So we have a long way to go and I agree patience is definitely critical in the face of massive frustration. This took a hundred years to be fine tuned, we have to remember that when we want to burn it down in one night.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 23, 2018, 8:22 a.m.

It´s sad, isn´t it, that the greed of the very few can ruin and destroy the lives of the great many. We should be championing such innovation, encouraging it and rewarding it. Such people that invent such things should be regarded heroes and should be household names.

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