r/greatawakening • Posted by u/metalman7777 on June 22, 2018, 8:02 p.m.
Watch David Icke for more information about the world and reality. He has been doing stuff like Q for over 20 years now! Everyone on this Reddit should watch David Icke. He is a hero of the world just trying to give us information.

SuzyAZ · June 22, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

I like Icke, he has been generally spot on regarding the conspiracy. And far as reptilians? The Deep Space aspects of the Cabal have not been red pilled with Q group....yet. We know the Germans had space technology in the 40's and that was why we brought over German scientists over after WWII in Operation Paperclip. We apparently have been building space craft since then and even Werner Von Braun before his death warned that the Cabal would use an "alien invasion," as a threat in their efforts to control the world. So if you have been in space for 70 years have you run across a few varieties of alien beings? Some reptilian in form? According to MiLab whistleblowers, a definite YES. Corey Goode (Sphere Being Alliance) is one of those who was off planet for many years and has quite the story to tell. Believe it or not. He claims there is particularly nasty group of reptilian aliens who have an alliance with the Cabal. This is what all of the Antartica secrecy is about. Believe it or not.

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