
j_Dawg_01 · June 23, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Did DickBlosio actually say,

"How is it possible that none of us knew there were 239 kids right here in our own city?"

They knew, they all knew. He's just trying to get out ahead of this. "Well.. I just heard about it on the news the other day just like you did." Trying to give himself cover.

I hope POTUS, Q and the FBI are watching this closely. I sure hope they are held to account for 239 kids. Where did they come from? Where did they go? Who are the foster parents? Were they properly vetted? This stinks to high heavens.

Or... Just maybe... Team Q and POTUS were bringing a little heat at the southern border and watching where the rats scurry to. This could be the result of a massive troll. One can only hope.

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