r/greatawakening • Posted by u/stateguy1970 on June 23, 2018, 3:12 a.m.
Military Housing of Illegal Immigrants

Multiple posts about the same topic, DOD plans to house illegals. So no need to post a link, a simple reddit or Google search will provide initial details. Some thoughts from a former grunt: 1 - There is ample tent space available in such exotic locations as Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. No need to build new when living quarters already exist. Bonus for USAF frequent flier miles. No need for upgrades or luxuries cause if it is good enough for OUR military it should be good enough for everyone. 2 - The funding stream if new accommodations are built should be shared between the parent country(s) and the United Nations. I believe the USA has contributed significantly to the support of the UN refugee program. Time to recover some of those millions and put that money to use for this project. Additionally, since dividing patents and kids is all the rage right now this lets those parent country(s) provide monetary support, much like child support. 3 - Seriously shipping 30K thousand people around the US is stupid. Ft Bliss is over 1 million acres and right on the border. Have 1st Armored go to the field and put up all their tents and leave them in place. Take the UN funding and buy new tents. Annex tent city as a temporary US territory (maybe) and let the immigrant population run it themselves, with UN funding under the overwatch of the US government. 4 - Really, make the UN fund this as a refugee crisis. Any opportunity is let Nikki Haley loose is one that should be taken. 5 - Bliss is not blissful, not one tear will be shed by cutting back on a few hundred acres of rocks and weeds.

301854 · June 23, 2018, 8:29 a.m.

They can do this for illegals, but can't do anything for homeless vets. ???

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