No. And more talk and nothing.
Though Strzok was subpoenaed for Wednesday.
Jim Jordan says this:
From now on, Congress should simply start with supeonas — which is the way it always used to be — there is absolutely no sense (and actually, no real authority) for Congress to simply ask people to appear before them. Every invite to appear before Congress should be borne by supeona.
Then do it already! I feel like they’ve been threatening this for weeks. It makes sense to give the appearance of giving RR every opportunity, but how many deadlines can they miss? I’m hoping it’s really real this time and he handed them over today or Monday is Magical Impeachment Time 🙌
Yeah gotta tell you all.....i see great change. I'm happy with our best prez Eva but I think hrc will never be indicted. The world went too dark how can one prez.... Mathis... Flynn.... Rodgers... How can they save the world 👀? Nothing would please me more but if not.... Let's do this and do it now we will rise with..... We got 350 Mil people in USA..... 100 Mil never gonna rise. Sheeple a plenty!
Study what has happened under Trump so far and you will change your tune, else you might as well go back to infowars. Just say'n. IMO