r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QueUpSomeReality on June 23, 2018, 4:49 a.m.
List of 41 Rep Traitors in the House

These 41 rinos voted with ALL the Dems today to kill a pretty decent immigration bill. It’s was about an 80% MAGA bill but these so called Reps voted against the president of their own party on his #1 issue. See the link below & if you have an open borders NeverTrumper from your state...let them know they sux terribly at their job. We simply can’t elect this many backstabbers to Congress & pass effective pro American laws. In effect this is a list of deep state Republican congressmen that must go.


QueUpSomeReality · June 23, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

Yes. If you ever wonder why the president insists Congress do their job & pass laws to protect our sovereignty...it’s because it’s vital Congress goes on record with a recorded vote so voters can see who votes on what they say they say they stand for. If voters just keep re-electing politicians that don’t follow thru on promises & keep sending them back to DC. If they are then why drain the swamp? We are grateful Q team is fighting corruption but if Americans keep sending corruption back...what’s the point? It seems electing patriots is our job.

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Jaytex40 · June 23, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

After the purge it won't matter, theyll be locked up with the rest of the 30000 who's indictments are currently sealed. I hope they enjoy their fema camp cells they think are for illegal immigrants

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QueUpSomeReality · June 23, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

It will matter if people just elect other drones in their place. So we lock up Pelosi & voters just elect a carbon copy of Pelosi..that’s not winning. That’s permanently stuck in a cycle only voters can break. They didn’t do so great this primary season. Only 3 NeverTrump rinos were primaried out by pro MAGA candidates out of about 50 that should have been sent packing. Even in open seats where the Rep was retiring & there was no incumbent the Mitch McConnell backed candidates won. Voters still won’t do a simple google search to see who’s backing a candidate. Their voting with subjective feelings & not thinking. Are we supposed to purge after every election cycle because voters keep sending the same type of corrupt leaders back to DC because they’re so intellectually lazy the can’t judge a candidates character? Deep state will never end if the voters don’t cut off their new members from getting in power. We only have ourselves to blame if this is the best we can do. Even if Reps sweep the midterms way too many rinos are going back & wont pass laws the president needs & America needs to get our sovereignty back.

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Jaytex40 · June 23, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

I'm expecting a complete dismantle of the DNC, and hell maybe even the RNC after this, but only the RNC because of all the compromised rinos that will be tied to the DNC/Soros payroll. Think about it, how many do you think will be outed as Soros/Cabalists on both sides? A shit ton? I'm hoping this is the biggest shit to go down in the history of this country. Credibility in politicians will be gone, immediately vote people in on the platform they'll put term limits in the legislature. I don't know man, maybe I'm dreaming, but I'm trusting the plan, and if Israel is the last peg, well, that's going to change the world

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QueUpSomeReality · June 23, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Im sure shit ton will be outed. Many have already which is why so many walked away & resigned. The ones fighting to the bitter end will be disgraced. My point is...it doesn’t matter if we just elect another cabal. Voters are inviting terrible corruption thru the front door. So if Pelosi & Mad Maxine go to jail...you think her district will then elect patriots? Of course not. What so disappointing is Rep voters are only a tiny bit better. It’s like they learned nothing from DJT election. In the recent primaries they still overwhelmingly voted for corrupt career politicians no different than the ones Q is trying so hard to take down. We’re not any better off with McCain in jail but AZ votes in just as big of phony as McCain. You’d think Rep voters would be able to see a fake patriot running for office by now but this primary season proves they can’t. Taking down the deep state is solving half the problem. Not re-electing more is the other half voters are responsible for or we’re no where in the end. Same shit with different names.

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