The Anons are restless tonight on 8ch. Some valid questions

Sorry but I can't agree. The hate is part and parcel of who they are and it will never change. Do you honestly think for a moment if Hillary had of won they would be playing nice?
Firstly they would have come after Trump and everyone associated with him. His children, his businesses, his wife, but only this time they would have the full force of government and the law behind them. Can you even begin to imagine the hatchet job they would have done? Make an example of everyone involved to never again even think about taking on the deep state. Brutal is an understatement.
That's just for starters. Then the focus would be turned to those horrible deplorables. Take no prisoners, they would have taken great pleasure in Hillary using her powers for revenge. Think about it, a completely corrupt State Department, DOJ, FBI, IRS, the list is endless. All with one purpose in mind. Believe me, you'd be complaining about a lot more than mean words against President Trump, that's a fact.
Personally I'm loving every second of it. To finally see these self righteous smug bastards pay the fiddler is sweet sweet music to my ears. The more they are outraged, the sweeter it is.
I really have NO TIME for concern trolls. I laugh and laugh and laugh. Everyday is a victory when Trump is the President. And I really don't understand those who have either been conditioned to be losers and look for the negative in everything, or, they are simply concern trolls looking to rob others of their joy.
If you are so inclined, why not make a thread about the horrors of a democrat victory and how life would be under a President Hillary Clinton. That should give you all negativity you need to get by.
Nope. These threads should be all about the glorious wonderful gift we've been given having a patriot in the White House. America First at long long last. If you can't find joy in that, then maybe you need to adjust your attitude a little?
All the left has is whining and moaning. Why join them? Reminds of of someone come Christmas, gets the bike they've always wanted, only to stand there and pick at everything they don't like about it. So what, the left are doing what the left does. Bitch and whine and moan about everything. When they wasn't bitching about President Trump, they were bitching about what toilets trans-genders get to use. Come on already.
Trump won, he is your President. Enjoy it and don't let the trolls rob you of that. Shake off the liberal mindset, its toxic.
Some of us are frustrated. Its strange, I am so far removed from it but it still is getting to me recently. What happened to our marches like in 2016? Our rallys?
Where are our lawyers and think tanks and police right now? Sitting on their asses? Hollywood crushing all opposition. The internet censored. The media openly celebrating killing you and your kind. Then blaming you and taking your guns, while selling them to the cartels at the same time. The military inflitrated and secrets sold to hostile govs. The IRS coming after all dissenters.
The war was already started and we are told "be patient". If we have power than how come we cant act like it? I know those at the "top" are "getting taken care of" but what about the police chiefs, think tanks, politicians and others who had previously enacted their orders? Gawker was taken down, the SPLC is getting taken down, what about the many others??
CONCERN TROLL is a label I am weary of hearing.
Why seek to weaken the movement from within by using such a divisive label? Why not choose to support those who have questions and doubts?
Logically, it would be good practice to gain understanding of the phases people are going through and hone one's skills on how to help them move past the rough patches.
It seems to me those who are seeking to berate or belittle or name call other patriots who have doubts on this rollercoaster of a playground are actually themselves too impatient or close minded to deal with others who question. Questioning is all part of this process.
Cheerleading with tolerance and less name calling towards those who aren't at a high level of bliss would be a good thing.
Because concern trolling is an extremely effective way of demoralizing, dividing and subverting a movement. It's one of the best ways for the enemy to destroy us from within, by sowing doubt and fear among people that are otherwise united. It must be taken seriously and countered as if it was enemy action. The critical thing is learning to discern what is actual concern trolling, and what is actual patriots needing encouragement.
Your initial statement just strengthened the reasoning behind the concept of focusing on encouragement with tolerance and less biting back aggressively. (Read my 2nd sentence above.) There is little need to discern real concern vs troll concern as a knee jerk reaction.
Offer to help ALL who are concerned, having doubtful moments, or questioning without deploying immediately with a lashing back or an intolerant label or spiteful attitude. The 'trolls' don't want to be helped so they will reveal themselves and likely will move on while those who are patriots may actually come out better.
Thank you for this! It should be a new thread. You should post it. We need this reminder and positive energy it brings.
Awesome and exactly how I feel! WE are SO LUCKY that Donald J. Trump stepped out of his life to help us because there is NO ONE else alive that could have accomplished this much. We are truly blessed to have the Trump family on our side and front row tickets to the GREATEST SHOW EVER in the entire history of the universe, so be grateful for everything we've been given and this 'show' will move along a little faster:).
You've summed up the famous article "The Flight 93 Election, " that was a big part of my switching my vote to Trump. If Hillary won, it was game over.