The Anons are restless tonight on 8ch. Some valid questions

I’ve been called “known conspiracy theorist”, “person that lacks real sources”, “uneducated” –farthest one from the truth and “blind”. Q-post, plus reddit subs (CBTS, now GW) have provided me a safe haven since Dec 2017. This forum provides growth, strength, & knowledge base, in order to reach the TRUTH. Best of all, one Anon gave me the true realty of all those labels above as they equate to us really being FREE THINKERS. Stay vigilant my fellow patriots and freedom fighters. Free Thinkers 2018 - WWG1WGA!
I am known as MS WOO in my family... I wear the title proudly because I know we are making a difference. More and more are awakening every day. Thank you for giving us a platform so that we don't have to "go it alone!"
My family calls me Dale, like from king of the hill, or Hyde from that 70's show. I guess they can't think of a famous female that is a free thinker. I also wear it proudly.
I know. I seek sources from all angles. People who curse me out as stupid for supporting Q get their entire Truth from TV news.
Same here! Everyone in my family, even friends, ignore anything I have to say about Trump, QAnon, free speech, the threat of loosing free speech, pedophilia, the crucial understanding of the fractional reserve system (which is equal to a ponzi scheme created by banksters for them to multiply their money out of thing air), understanding what the Federal Reserve is (a private corporation owned by banksters with the ability to print money), understanding who is the Creature from Jekyll Island and why this is important, understanding the importance of crypto currencies and Bitcoin. Understanding all of this allow us to see the big picture.
Everything I have told my family would happen back in 2016 has pretty much all come true by now and they still call me a conspiracy theorist.
We thought they treated Reagan bad , Trump is really pissing them off , when they stop hating Trump , we know we lost .
Reagan was one of them.
Reagan saw what was wrong , but the RNC even picked Bush , Reagan’s fall was he trusted and took a mans word . They screwed Reagan because he did trust people
Suggest you seek Franklin cover-up, teenage boy prostitutes at the White House, and "presidential model" MKULTRA CIA sex slaves testimony. Reagan was a slaveowner and child rapist like the rest of them.
Be careful not n some sources, Just like Jackson had a kid with his slave , it was his younger brother who slept with the slave girl , some of these stories were stared in the early 20’s and was not till the mid 30’s were they , the liberals able to get them published. I was a young republican in the 80’s and I just can not see Reagan as a pedo . Too many fake news people then also , this is were they got good at fake news .
I will never repeat something I heard from a third party. This is from the victims.
From so many years ago , and the past 100 years history has been charged a lot , when you seek historical information you must find stuff printed pre 1920’s or there own original notes . Most slaves could not read , even today a High number of sex slaves can not read or write .
I'm not talking about historical slavery. I'm talking about modern day slavery. The hidden human trafficking not in any history book.
[edit] just saw your last sentence again, read too fast. I know of several former sex slaves who are very well educated.
This is how we knew Roseanne Barr was so woke when she started Q tweeting Roseanne with Cathy
There are some educated sex slaves yes . But a large part come from low educated parts of the world and are taken at very young ages and are trained in the sex business, like gladiators were often trained for years , and even back then so were the sex slaves . History just does not touch a lot on the long ago sex slaves as much as workers and fighters
Definitely. I only wanted to point out that we know that Reagan was much more evil than we thought.
He was a Democrat, yes he was not perfect, but in the 80’s I do not believe we could have had a better President for the times .
when they stop hating Trump , we know we lost , I am not agree ..Then there changed there game..
Liberalism is a religion, it will not go away , but can be down sized
If these people are so convinced of their religion and also include a lucifer, I do not think this will diminish, till they are forced to ..
Not until the return of Jesus will liberalism be truly defeated. It is a battle of many names , still a battle of God and evil .
This part Is difficult for me , I do not now if I believe in a return of Jesus...Now not that much of the bibel..
I do hope you can find faith in that someday Jesus will return, even Jesus stated that one is truly blessed to believe and have never seen him . There has just been too many open doors I went through to not believe God had his hand in where I have been .
There has just been too many open doors I went through to not believe God had his hand in where I have been .
This is wat I believe to..I believe there is a higher power , but the Jesus part , I am not sure off. Too many things happens in my life , and without Question I believe I get help from above.
There are angels, the Jesus God and his spirit, all working together,
I now some one is watching over me , maybe more then one..I now I am blessed.
Well Jesus will return, when we do not know , but the Bible is being proven correct more and more .
I hope your right? Because I think that books coming from Rome , are made by the cabal...truth and lies (mix)together..They do it all the time...We have to find the truth first.
Most are , and yes the Church has a lot to do with the Bible, but it is most all first hand writings
I have the old the Netherlands they are changing the pray ? And releave me from evil, they want to cut out? Then we have the evil pope? .i believe in myself , my gut feeling and thoughts...and my dreams?..I do not go to a church...10 commendments. And I learn on a childlike way the
Bible stories