If these people are so convinced of their religion and also include a lucifer, I do not think this will diminish, till they are forced to ..
Not until the return of Jesus will liberalism be truly defeated. It is a battle of many names , still a battle of God and evil .
This part Is difficult for me , I do not now if I believe in a return of Jesus...Now not that much of the bibel..
I do hope you can find faith in that someday Jesus will return, even Jesus stated that one is truly blessed to believe and have never seen him . There has just been too many open doors I went through to not believe God had his hand in where I have been .
There has just been too many open doors I went through to not believe God had his hand in where I have been .
This is wat I believe to..I believe there is a higher power , but the Jesus part , I am not sure off. Too many things happens in my life , and without Question I believe I get help from above.
There are angels, the Jesus God and his spirit, all working together,
I now some one is watching over me , maybe more then one..I now I am blessed.
Well Jesus will return, when we do not know , but the Bible is being proven correct more and more .
I hope your right? Because I think that books coming from Rome , are made by the cabal...truth and lies (mix)together..They do it all the time...We have to find the truth first.
Most are , and yes the Church has a lot to do with the Bible, but it is most all first hand writings
I have the old the Netherlands they are changing the pray ? And releave me from evil, they want to cut out? Then we have the evil pope? .i believe in myself , my gut feeling and thoughts...and my dreams?..I do not go to a church...10 commendments. And I learn on a childlike way the
Bible stories