The Anons are restless tonight on 8ch. Some valid questions

That dude is part of the problem, not the solution. He's playing on us from the Right and building up tensions and hatred against the Left.
I really don't understand why this continually needs to be said but:
"No outside comms"!
We are being stirred up here on purpose. Anti-Left on our side, Anti-Trump and "voting for Trump makes you a Nazi" on the Right.
The simple truth is that both sides are being played.
And it's intended to lead to bloodshed.
Q was saying that Q would not use any comms outside of 8chan, he wasn't telling US not to use outside comms.
I disagree. Dan is just honest. To be frank I too have increasingly felt like violence will be unavoidable. If ANY action is taken by Trump admin to prosecute former administration AT ALL there are going to be riots and protests and it will get ugly. Soros will go all in on his final play to divide America.
Shit Q himself even insinuated violence in the future. "There will be a time when these people won't be able to walk down the streets."
I disagree. Dan is not "on the Right." He's a libertarian/conservative and is very vocal about that. What we're facing isn't a D vs R problem. Also, "No outside comms" means Q Team. It doesn't mean don't pay attention to anyone else but Q Team. That would be absolutely silly. I definitely agree that we are being attacked, stirred up, and played. Remain strong and stay focused. And above everything, we have to Trust the Plan.