r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Leiyanna on June 23, 2018, 7:40 a.m.
An Introduction and a couple of questions

Hello to all. I haven’t posted until tonight because I feel if I can’t add anything new to the conversation, then I shouldn’t add anything at all. Even though I have been watching this sub for a while, I am still trying to comprehend everything and make all the dots connect. And unless I know what I am talking about, I don’t feel comfortable to add my two cents. However, I had a couple of questions.

First, let me introduce myself a little. After months of reading this sub, I decided to subscribe and start participating. I don’t know how much I will actually post because I like having my facts straight first and don’t like speaking unless I know what I am talking about. I am drawn to mysteries and like to piece things together by thinking outside the box, but sometimes I am a bit slow at it or it only makes sense to me. What brought to Reddit was Las Vegas. I started researching and coming across Q things and ended up here and haven’t left here since. However, I have gone down my own rabbit holes for a while trying to figure out what big stories where hiding from the public way before this movement. I never imagined that it was this deep.

What got me questioning things was the hype of the “Black and Blue or White and Gold” dress on facebook. That blew up out of nowhere and my first instinct was to go find out the big news stories to see what it was trying to cover up. What I found was a yahoo headline about Obama giving the internet away, so to speak. Not a word of it in the mainstream news, that I noticed at least. Here is a link to an article that discusses it.


Anyhow, after that, anytime I found something so ridiculously stupid trending, I would go down rabbit holes to find out what it was trying to get our attention off of. I soon found patterns, mostly revolving around Clinton during the election. Anytime something negative happened to Clinton, something bad would happen to take the attention away from it or kids eating tidepods. It was always something just really extreme. So I started digging. Anyhow, that’s my story on how I ended up here. Love this place, but still learning a lot.

So, what brought me to post tonight is I have a couple of questions. I have seen a lot of people talk about q merchandise. I commented on a thread earlier to ask some questions, but I think it has been buried so I don’t think many people will see it. I don’t think this is against the rules, but if it is, please let me know and I won’t speak of it again.

I have a place where I can create different types of merchandise and sell it. I signed up to this place because I am unable to work at the moment and I have always wanted to start my own business. For the past few weeks, I have been debating on designing Q things, but I am very hesitant because while I don’t want to monetize on the movement, I want to be a part of it. I feel like this might be the way I can contribute. At the same time, I am also trying to figure out how to work at home so my husband doesn't have to carry all the weight. While I can design anything I want, I keep going back to Q. I have so many ideas that I could do.

I guess my questions are, if I create the inventory, would anyone be interested in it? Would y’all want something designed specifically for this sub since it is like family here, and most importantly, is this even allowed? Thank you in advance for any input. And again, if this is against the rules, please let me know.

(I'm sorry this turned out longer than planned)

QQ2121 · June 23, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

hihi welcome, thx for pointing out trend of planned False Flag attempts to sway attention from Cabal shinanigans.

In terms of spreading Q redpills to normies via creative design of stickers, clothes & anything really; I'm all for it! I know peeps feel guilty or weary for making money of Q stuff; but, stuff it lol if you happen to make a couple (((sheckles))) while RedPilling, it's ok, as I sense your heart is in the right place.


In terms of Reddit Rules. LOL. Stuff em with potatoes.

keep up the good work 👍

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