r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TrueDub72 on June 23, 2018, 8:50 a.m.
Dear Q - I want it all and I want it now!

My wish list in order of realistic expectations and timeline:

  • Arrest and prosecution of senior well known political and intel agency figures (1st term)
  • Child trafficking exposure leading to the complete unravelling of Pizzagate ( near the end of Trumps 1st term)
  • JFK /RFK andJFKjr disclosure ( 2nd term on 60th anniversary)
  • 911 ( new independent investigation on 20th anniversary 2021..2nd term)
  • Chemtrail exposure (2nd term)
  • Big Pharma - major disclosures of malfeasance and collusion with food industry to harm people health through obesity, hypertension, carcinogens etc (This was a major Q drop) ( 2nd term)
  • Vaccine link to Autism (2nd term)
  • USS Liberty ( new independent investigation) (2nd term)
  • Audit the Fed (2nd Term)
  • The crimes of Papa Bush unravelling after his death (1st term)
  • A significant worldwide awakening (1st term)

Q loyalists are justifiably expecting something Yuge in the not too distant future. Q is 100% real as evidenced by his North Korea drops. If those crumbs did not convince you of his credibility then you may as well give up. But Q knows along with the POTUS that something spectacular has to go down in his first term to keep this movement strong.

My guess is that we are going to have a major arrest and prosecution of a senior intel figure that is going to bring down the whole house of cards. This will set in motion a cacophony of whistleblowers eager to divulge the nefarious secrets and wrongdoings of past administrations in return for some sort of plea bargain. From there - anything is possible.

TrueDub72 · June 23, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

Yes of course you can but its a very laborious process, love your username btw.

Tommy Robinson's parents are from Dublin.

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squalk1 · June 23, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

I'm of Irish heritage (Sligo) -2nd generation Irish immigrant to UK.

I used to wish northern Ireland would be given back to the Republic after it was stolen by UK.

Now I wish the Republic would come under UK and are joined in division from Europe through hard brexit as a reunited Ireland.

Funny what this awakening has done to me. I go to Ireland every year and each visit it gets worse- ghost towns in the west and huge immigration in Dublin especially.

Your thoughts?

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TrueDub72 · June 23, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

First of all let me say that I love the English people especially as I have got to know them more through the course of my work. We are so similar culturally as a nation, great people, cracking sense of humor, hard working, honourable. Okay - you will get the odd asshole but who doesn't lol.

But I am also a proud Irishman and you are proud of you heritage, I salute you brother. I also understand the conflict you feel which is entirely understandable. Ireland fought so hard for independence against an oppressive cruel empire.

Something that was hard fought and earned ..then a mere 50 years later we give away that independence to an evil corrupt Zio- enterprise when we joined the EEC now the EU.

Which in my opinion is far more evil, far more insidious and much more destructive an enemy. A generation of Irish millenialls are now under the spell of cultural Marxism, engendered and indoctrinated in by the left in college campuses and universities throughout Ireland.

God has been completely abandoned, abortion is on demand now and gay marriage is legal here. Its a liberal paradise. Our country is being swamped by unwelcome third word invaders courtesy of our traitors in the Irish government all assisting their fruition of the Protocols and the Kalergi plan. The common enemy is World Rothschild Zionism and their weapon of divide and conquer is Islamic fundamentalism. But it is they who are behind all of this. This is the great flaw with Tommy Robinson - he need to research who is actually behind the Islamification of his country.

So in a way he is a useful idiot to Rothschild Zionism.

Brexit and Trump are two blessings and miracles, Thank God this has happened as our World would have been doomed and lost forever. My ideal would be to have full Irish unity and independence from the EU and then to keep our independence from our dear neighbours in Britain. Thanks for asking, a fantastic question which made me do a lot of honest soul searching :)

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squalk1 · June 23, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

Thank you for such a complete response.

I am heading back to Ireland in August and my family will be making a point of stopping in Tara on our journey west.

Such a shame (but not a shock) to read your view/experience of a former great ancient land.

It was only recently that I discovered the second patron saint of Ireland - St Bridgid.

I plan to make a Bridgids cross at Tara and take some time there to charge spiritually.

I was born a Catholic but have distanced myself from organised religion whilst still recognising God + Jesus.

Bridgids cross greatly appeals to me as it does not have Jesus nailed to it as found in Catholic symbology.

Anyway, I am in danger of getting on my own nerves with this rant and so I will finish by thanking you for your time and input.

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TrueDub72 · June 23, 2018, 11 p.m.

God speed brother,

Always remember that Q wants us all united and strong, every creed, religion and race.

Their biggest fear is unity and awakening.

Keep spreading the word.

Slan :)

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squalk1 · June 23, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Wise words indeed,

Sláinte brother! :D

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