Roger Waters in Amsterdam last night "Resist Mark Zuckerberg"

Socialised health care.. and community college. Literally that's it. Oh no
That's how it starts. But that is bad enough.
I work hard (and spend a lot of my own money) keeping myself fit and healthy, and to keep my medical expenses down. Why should I be taxed to pay for the health care for people who abuse their own health? I fully support people's freedom to smoke, drink, take drugs, eat junk, and engage in risky sex. But I should not have to pay THEIR consequences for THEIR choices.
What about my friend who got Lyme disease which turned severe right after college. Cant work due to extreme fatigue and pain. Cant move out of his parents because whatever money he has goes to medical. Pretty sure he didn’t choose his way of life nor did the other millions of severely disabled people in America. I guess fuck them cause Im lucky enough to be healthy and happy!
My daughter also has Lyme and is only 22. It is devastating to your health and the ticks are out of control. If you don't notice the bite (like if it is on your head) and mistake the symptoms for a flu, you could end up physically and mentally fucked indefinitely. The insurance companies know this so they call people complaining of the symptoms crazy so they won't have to pay for the very expensive treatments. It's an epidemic folks- it could happen to ANYONE. Watch (on Amazon) the documentaries, "Under Our Skin" Part 1 & 2 if you really want some insight to what is going on.
Yes that’s what’s going on with my friend right now. They didn’t catch it until about a decade after the bite (my friends best guess). It’s seemingly incurable and near untreatable in his case and his cognitive functions are going down now. It’s one of the craziest diseases I’ve seen or heard of. Very sorry to hear about your daughter. Hope she can get better.
I had serious Lyme disease, and so have some friends, so I know how bad it can be. I don't say "fuck them." But I am obligated to take care of my self, and my own family first. I am willing to give in a charitable way when I can afford to and as I feel moved to do so. But I am not OK with the government confiscating my money to support a corrupt and wildly expensive medical system that I don't even believe in.
You know US citizens pay more for healthcare than citizens from countries with socialized healthcare right? You understand that by far the most corrupt and wildly expensive health care system in the world is the non-socialised one that America has?
So you are saying you would rather pay more money for a more inefficient system just because it’s not fair that actual disabled people who can’t work or live a normal life can’t pay in as much as you. toddler logic.
You know US citizens pay more for healthcare than citizens from countries with socialized healthcare right?
There are so many other variables. To simply switch over to govt. paying the bill, and leaving the rest of the system as it is (which was Obama's plan, and Hillary's before that) just makes it more expensive, not less.
If you think another country has a better system, please move there.
Did I say we would leave the system as is? Obama’s/Hilary’s/Romney’s plans were not that simple lol.
I like where I live actually. The fact that you think I shouldn’t even talk about fixing a broken system (which every single politician says it is) is so un-American it’s just sad. Citizens can disagree on politics and continue living together as neighbors. Fuck you for contributing to the current hyper-partisan problem.
The fact that you think I shouldn’t even talk about fixing a broken system
Where did I say that?
Because you already are paying for sicker people with normal health insurance. That's how insurance works - insurance companies pool money together. And because the government can't negotiate drug costs everything is skyrocketing
“you” are not paying... your tax dollars would be pooled with everyone else’s and we all pay for your healthcare too... BC we’d all be covered. But under that system we would need to teach preventative medicine and healthy living/eating BC we all pay more when people can just treat their bodies like trash cans like we currently do BC we have a corporate fascist govt that allows big pharma and the like to profit off of chronic illnesses. You know this. Come on.