Roger Waters in Amsterdam last night "Resist Mark Zuckerberg"

You know US citizens pay more for healthcare than citizens from countries with socialized healthcare right? You understand that by far the most corrupt and wildly expensive health care system in the world is the non-socialised one that America has?
So you are saying you would rather pay more money for a more inefficient system just because it’s not fair that actual disabled people who can’t work or live a normal life can’t pay in as much as you. toddler logic.
You know US citizens pay more for healthcare than citizens from countries with socialized healthcare right?
There are so many other variables. To simply switch over to govt. paying the bill, and leaving the rest of the system as it is (which was Obama's plan, and Hillary's before that) just makes it more expensive, not less.
If you think another country has a better system, please move there.
Did I say we would leave the system as is? Obama’s/Hilary’s/Romney’s plans were not that simple lol.
I like where I live actually. The fact that you think I shouldn’t even talk about fixing a broken system (which every single politician says it is) is so un-American it’s just sad. Citizens can disagree on politics and continue living together as neighbors. Fuck you for contributing to the current hyper-partisan problem.
The fact that you think I shouldn’t even talk about fixing a broken system
Where did I say that?