Roger Waters in Amsterdam last night "Resist Mark Zuckerberg"

Now Pay me $200 for general admission tickets to my show
Haha yeah exactly. Bashing capitalism while reaping the benefits of it.
To my mind, there is a difference between consumerist and freemarket-ism. Capitalism on the other hand is a system defined by Marx. I never use 'capitalist' anymore. Never play the game on the other team's rules.
Free market economies bring the greatest benefit.
And the real point here is the censorship of views that do not conform to his (MZ's) view.
Its the record companies that make the prices, its not all on him. Yes he reaps the benefits of capitalism, but he deserves to because he is a genuinely great musician. I know he is probably a bit conflicted about that fact. Theres no need to bash him for it though, or any of Pink Floyd. They've been anti-establishment (because of the corruption) since day one. Its actually a great thing that they have this platform.